TruBlo Offers €1.5 Million for Trusted Content in Blockchain Projects

Aug 30, 2021 | News

The Horizon 2020 project TruBlo will fund 15 projects with up to €175K to develop ideas in proof-of-location and proof-of-validity and trust and reputation models on blockchains. They are looking for startups, small and mid-cap enterprises, academics, and natural person solutions for distributed trust in blockchain.

TruBlo has two axes of interest. The first is trust and reputation models on blockchains, where the project seeks innovative ideas, applications, technologies, technical approaches, and methodologies that increase the level of trust in blockchain-based information exchange.

The second axis is looking for projects in proof-of-validity and proof-of-location. This axis is looking to find innovative mechanisms to increase the transparency and trustworthiness of user-generated genuine content.

The selected projects will participate in a 15-month scale-up program. This program includes training sessions, boot camps and webinars so participants can reach a high maturity level in their projects. Together with that, TruBlo offers one-to-one mentoring sessions with experts in business, academia, and technology to give specific guidelines for the projects to be successful.

Applications are open until 10th of September, CEST:

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