
Data sovereignty

Data spaces

International standards


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Reference Architecture

Dataspace Protocol

IDSA Rulebook


IDS Reference Testbed

Data Connector Report


Data Spaces Radar

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Making the Dataspace Protocol an international standard

Standardizing data spaces: Our latest publication on the Dataspace Protocol shows you the way. See how international standards are driving sovereign data sharing and trust.

Join IDSA activities to drive change in sovereign data sharing!

Our goal is to enable global, cross-industry data spaces – and we need companies of all sizes and sectors to join us. This means you! Discover how you can contribute to IDSA.

All data space connectors in one place

This is the most crucial piece of software: the Data Space Connector. Our report documents all existing implementations of connectors and offers valuable information on their state of development and usage.

IDSA overview brochure

Everything you need to know about IDSA: Discover how we are driving innovation and shaping sovereign and trustworthy data sharing.

Our mission: Creating the future of the global, digital economy


Network partners


The International Data Spaces Association (IDSA) is a non-profit organization focusing on establishing and promoting standards for data spaces – trusted environments where organizations can share data while retaining full control over its use.

Since 2017, IDSA members have been developing key technologies for data spaces. This work has led to several major achievements, including the IDS Reference Architecture Model (IDS-RAM), the IDSA Rulebook, the Dataspace Protocol, standardization efforts, and IDS Certification. These achievements establish the foundation for a fair data economy, setting clear rules for trusted data sharing.

News & events

IDSA working group meetings

To enable global, cross-industry data spaces, IDSA needs companies of all sizes and sectors – like yours! Join our working groups, where IDSA members collaborate on defining standards for international data spaces.

Check upcoming working group meetings here and see how you can get involved.

Our impact

Dataspace Protocol

Data sharing is one of the most crucial aspects of the digital economy. It powers innovation, enhances efficiency, and fosters collaboration across sectors. However, as the number of data spaces grows, one major challenge remains: interoperability. The Dataspace Protocol (DSP) is designed to address this challenge. It facilitates seamless data sharing by clearly defining the procedures and rules for publishing, negotiating, and accessing data across diverse platforms and systems. 

This protocol encapsulates the essence of IDSA’s work over the past seven years with the IDSA Reference Architecture Model (IDS-RAM) and the IDSA Rulebook are at the heart of it. As we work towards making DSP an ISO standard, we recognize its potential to unlock massive opportunities for data sharing at scale.

IDS Reference Architecture 

We have developed a comprehensive Reference Architecture Model (RAM) to guide the design and implementation of data spaces. It’s an essential tool for anyone involved in creating, managing or participating in data spaces, providing clear and practical guidance on technical and operational aspects.

The IDS-RAM is the beating heart of IDS — it defines the key components, their interactions, and the principles that govern the architecture of data spaces.

IDSA Rulebook

The IDSA Rulebook lays the foundation for trusted data sharing within data spaces, implemented through the IDS Architecture.

It serves as a comprehensive guide, covering all the essential functional, technical, operational, and legal requirements needed to design and operate data spaces based on IDS. By outlining both mandatory and optional features, the Rulebook offers flexibility, enabling organizations to tailor data spaces to their unique needs while ensuring a structured and reliable implementation.


Beyond common practices, we know that only standardized technology could provide organizations with sufficient confidence to invest in learning and implementing these new solutions. International standards are instrumental in addressing such challenges. 

Our members, the IDSA working groups and the standardization coordination group, as well as the IDSA technical team, work diligently with key bodies at ISO, CEN/CENELEC and W3C and advise the European Commission on advancing global standards for data spaces.