Funding Competition: German Government Puts 200 Million into GAIA-X

Apr 6, 2021 | News

The German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology provides larger-scale financial support for the GAIA-X infrastructure project. Under the funding competition “Innovative and Practical Applications and Data Spaces in the GAIA-X Digital Ecosystem”, projects in all sectors can be funded with 10 to 15 million euros each. Providers and users are to develop and implement use cases based on the GAIA-X infrastructure.

Development of IDS-based data spaces to be promoted 

The funding includes the establishment of data spaces to enable the exchange and use of data across sectors. GAIA-X and the IDS initiative together make it possible for companies to achieve self-determined control over their data, whether that data at rest or in motion. The IDS standard defines how trustworthy data spaces can be set up and how the access points to such a data space must be designed. The standard ensures a level playing field and enforces data sovereignty with technical measures.

The call is now open and will be closed on May 7, 2021. The total funding of up to 186.8 million euros comes from the German economic stimulus package and will be available until the end of 2024. Applications can be submitted online:

First use case: Catena-X automotive network  

One of the first concrete projects in this regard is Catena-X. BMW, Mercedes-Benz and automotive suppliers such as Bosch, Schaeffler and ZF Friedrichshafen have joined forces with SAP, Telekom and BASF in this network. The goal of Catena-X is to create a uniform standard for data exchange along the entire automotive value chain. The IDS standard is the blueprint for data exchange based on European values, such as data protection and security, equal opportunities through a federated design and the guarantee of data sovereignty for the creator of data and trust between participants.

With the IDS standard as the essential infrastructure basis, Catena-X will be an extensible ecosystem in which automotive manufacturers and suppliers, dealer associations and equipment suppliers, including the providers of applications, platforms and infrastructure, can all participate equally.

IDSA Insight Event: Mobility data space

Trusted data spaces are a key element for innovative business models and data sovereignty. The mobility sector is a particularly relevant application area in this respect. Germany is therefore creating a mobility data space for the sovereign exchange and use of data in close coordination with European and national initiatives such as Gaia-X. 

Join the IDSA Insight Event by Deutsche Telekom to learn more about the mobility data space: “Data Spaces – Business Benefits Illustrated by a Mobility Case”, April 14, 10:30 a.m.: The data space presented by Deutsche Telekom is not only a very reliable concept, but also a real-life implementation of IDS technology.

Free registration and agenda:

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