Fairs & Events

December 1, 2022

DSSC Insights Series | Data Spaces Support Centre: Discover how to bring data spaces to life

Funded by the European Commission as part of the Digital Europe Program, the Data Spaces Support Centre is aimed at initiatives and companies that want to create sovereign data spaces. It will explore their needs, define common requirements and establish best practices to accelerate the formation of data spaces  – key elements of digital transformation – at all levels.

With the DSSC Insights Series, you will have the opportunity to experience the activities and scope of the Data Space Support Centre. In our monthly webinars, you will meet the DSSC stakeholders and actively follow the development of the Data Space Blueprint.

Do not miss out our first webinar on December 1. We are ready to make your data space happen!


  • DSSC: What, why, when, who, how | Boris Otto, Fraunhofer ISST
  • Presentation of DSSC’s 100-day plan | Boris Otto, Fraunhofer ISST
  • DSSC support levels and ‘Data Space Experts’ | Christoph Mertens, IDSA
  • DSSC Starter Kit | Tuomo Tuikka
  • Overview of next events
  • Q&A

Registration here: zoom.us/webinar/register


Date(s): December 1, 2022
4:00 pm - 5:30 pm UTC+01:00

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