November 5, 2020

From the Basque Country to Europe: The Innovalia Association

In the first part of our blog series about the IDSA hubs, we put the spotlight on Cefriel. Now it's time to travel to the Basque Country in northern Spain. From there, our friends from Innovalia support the dissemination of IDS throughout Spain and Southern Europe. Dr. Oscar Lázaro, Managing Director of the Innovalia Association, and Jesús Alonso, Innovation Consultant of the Innovalia Association, introduce us to the Spanish hub, its goals and activities.

IDSA Hub Spain was established in December 2019 and has started its operation in 2020. The IDSA Hub has been endorsed by key Global stakeholders such as Big Data Value Association (BDVA) and the World Economic Forum (WEF). It is based in the Basque Country in the region of Biscay and is facilitated and operated by Innovalia Association.

Innovalia Association is an associated research laboratory founded by the Innovalia Group and accredited member of the Basque Science, Technology and Innovation Network and the national research centre network of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. Innovalia develops technology in the fields of E2E cybersecurity (chip to cloud), quality assurance for high performance IoT/CPS systems, mobile 3D visualisation and AI / big data analytics.


Any company or administration, independently of its size, activity sector or location should be granted a sovereign access and a fair participation in the single European market and data spaces and gain equalbenefits from the digital, data and intelligence economy.

The vision lies on four pillars:

  1. Proliferation of a number of federated sectorial common data sharing spaces (public and private, trusted, open and interoperable).
  2. Generalised adoption of digital international standards.
  3. Rooting of a regional and national culture for (industrial) data quality.
  4. Promotion the emergence of strategic digital value chains.


Provide the national meeting point to facilitate a harmonized and sovereign development of data-driven digital ecosystems and common (industrial) data sharing spaces.


To contribute with the development of the national “federation” of the European Data Space and facilitate the global proliferation of the IDS approach and the evolution towards an international standard for data sovereignty activities, IDSA Hub Spain, supports 5 main types of activities: technology development, business development, ecosystem development, skill development and SME support.

If you want to enable trustworthy and secure data exchange based on the IDS in your county get in contact with us via

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