March 31, 2021

TRUSTS & Safe-DEED webinar: Legal aspects of data sharing platforms

Legal frameworks are an important topic when it comes to data sharing. To share challenges and discuss possible issues, TRUSTS and Safe-DEED are co-hosting a webinar on 31 March (11am-12pm, CET).

Alessandro Bruni (Safe-DEED, KU Leuven) will give an input about the public opinion view on data sharing. Lidia Dutkiewicz (TRUSTS, KU Leuven) shares legal constraints to data sharing afterwards and answers questions to sharing data in general, sharing sensitive data or data ownership. If there are still unanswered questions afterwards, there will be an open Q&A session at the end of the event.


11:00 Welcome I Nina Popanton, DIO – TRUSTS
11:10 Opportunities and challenges of data sharing (Interactive poll session) I Alessandro Bruni, KU Leuven – Safe-DEED
11:25 FAQ: Legal constraints of data sharing I Lidia Dutkiewicz, KU Leuven – TRUSTS
11:45 Open Q&A Session
11:55 Closing

Free registration & more information: Click here.


Date(s): March 31, 2021
11:00 am - 12:00 pm UTC

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