June 2, 2021

The Web after the Platforms DAPSI

What is at stake with Interoperability?

Standards have been defined to build a different web, to give back control of data usage to actors, to maintain control of industrial data and to allow for fair competition conditions. However, these opportunities are not well known by the entrepreneurs who are likely to seize them, support them and leverage their potential, neither by the public actors likely to encourage them, nor, more widely, by citizens.

This event proposes to discuss the implications of these changes based on the input from various use cases.

How do businesses boost or strengthen their market access? How can these standards be used as a weapon of European digital fairness? What changes can be made to the rules for managing personal data? What kind of legal frameworks should be built? How can we educate citizens and actors to manage their data? Finally, how will these transformations affect the organization of businesses and institutions?

We will explore all these issues by mobilising European experts and stakeholders of these topics. We will also shed light on the seven winning projects of the European challenge DAPSI (Data Portability & Services Incubator – dapsi.ngi.eu) proposed by the European initiative NGI (Next Generation Internet – funded by the European Union in the framework of the H2020 programme)

The conference is a 100% digital event. It is addressed to all European stakeholders in digital innovation (large companies, public actors, academics, innovative start-ups & SMEs, representatives of associations and civil society and journalists, etc.). It will be held in English and French. Simultaneous translation will be available. This event is the kick-off of a cycle of four digital webinars that will focus on different sectoral use cases, to be organized in 2021.


Morning (09:45-12:00) : What is at stake with Interoperability?

  • Opening speechs with Olivier Bringer, Head of Unit at the European Commission, and in charge of the Next Generation Internet (NGI) initiative and Gilles Babinet, co-Chairman at French Digital National Council and Digital Champion at the European Commission.
  • Interoperability as a means for rebuilding the web, with Gilles Babinet (co-Chairman at French Digital National Council and Digital Champion at the European Commission), Jean-François Abramatic (Emeritus Senior Scientist at Inria, Former President of W3C), Alain Assouline (CINOV -Numerique), Antoine Garnier (IDSA). Moderated by Odile Chagny (Sharers & Workers) and Michiel de Jong (Ponder Source – DAPSI Expert).

Afternoon (13:30-16:45) : DAPSI FINAL EVENT

  • Presentation of the 7 winning DAPSI projects, moderated by Miguel Gonçalves, EU projects manager, F6S
  • Roundtable #1 with the DAPSI project leaders : User experience & adoption, moderated by Michiel de Jong, Ponder Source – DAPSI Expert
  • Roundtable #2 witer the DAPSI project leaders : Technology transfer and scaling up issues.

You want to register? Click on the following link: Le Web après les plateformes/The Web after the Platforms DAPSI FINAL EVENT Tickets, Wed, Jun 2, 2021 at 9:45 AM | Eventbrite




Date(s): June 2, 2021
All Day UTC

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