April 5, 2022 – April 7, 2022

Privacy Symposium 2022

The Privacy Symposium on April 5 to 7 will promote international dialogue, cooperation, and knowledge transfer on data privacy and data protection regulations, compliance, and emerging technologies. At the symposium, data protection experts, authorities and researchers will meet and discuss: on latest changes in data processing regulations and future demands and needs for data protection as well as on emerging technologies and on today’s research and innovation.

Recommended session on April 7, 4 to 5 pm CET: Together with Gaia-X and Data Space Business Alliance, IDSA will organize a session on data sovereignty and data spaces in the context of data privacy!

To the symposium: www.privacysymposium.org



Date(s): April 5, 2022 – April 7, 2022
All Day UTC+1

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