IDSA Events & Live Sessions

December 12, 2023 – December 13, 2023

IDSA Working Group meetings | IDS Architecture & IDS Certification

There is no alternative to meeting in person, unless you meet in person: IDSA invites all members to get involved in the on-site working group meetings on the IDS Architecture as well as the IDS Certification.

In this way, participants will have the opportunity to come together in person, work more intensively on working group topics, and thus energize the work of the working groups. It is also an opportunity to bring new participants into the groups.

The seats are very limited – secure a spot on the waiting list! We will approve you for a seat later.

Those who do not get a seat will be given online access to the sessions so they can fully contribute to their success.

Sign up for the waiting list here:


Date(s): December 12, 2023 – December 13, 2023
10:00 am - 5:00 pm Europe/Berlin

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