Fairs & Events

December 15, 2023

The Annual IDSA Update | Taking big steps to accelerate data space creation

At the end of the year, we always provide a comprehensive overview: What did we and our members achieve? What is particularly important? What and where do we really want to make progress – and where can members get involved? This is exactly what we are doing this year on December 15!

Less than ten years ago, we sowed a small seed with IDS. Today, the standard for data spaces is flourishing in a colorful and powerful way. We have developed important and mature assets, we have built an engaged and wide community, and see very promising data spaces that prove that IDS can drive digital transformation and enable the data economy.

On December 15, we’ll go into detail and present the major steps we have taken this year in particular:

  • What will be special about the future 5.0 version of the IDS-RAM
  • How exactly does the Dataspace Protocol promote the scalability and flexibility of data spaces
  • You heard about the new Eclipse Dataspace Working Group? We’ll tell you what it’s all about
  • What is the standardization progress and when will IDS become an ISO standard
  • How do we take all of this out into the world, how did & do we drive internationalization
  • And it’s about who can contribute how and where – and above all, how IDSA members can create data spaces and help shape the standard for data spaces.

Join in and discuss with us: events.teams.microsoft.com/event




Date(s): December 15, 2023
11:00 am - 12:30 pm Europe/Berlin

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