June 6, 2024

DSSC Insight Series | The free flow of data from source to fruition

Join this month’s webinar of the DSSC Insight Series: It will introduce the DSSC Toolbox and it helps to accelerate the set up of a data spaces; as second topic the power of open data in European data spaces will be highlighted.

Our Sonia Jimenez, Director of Data Space Technology at IDSA, will present the DSSC Toolbox together with Michiel Stornebrink from our friends at TNO. The toolbox is a catalog of tools, from data space connectors to legal templates. It is aligned with the DSSC Blueprint. The two complement each other by helping data space participants find ready-to-use solutions and increasing the visibility of solution providers.

For free registration: zoom.us/webinar/register


Date(s): June 6, 2024
4:00 pm - 5:30 pm Europe/Brussels

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