May 6, 2021

Digital Factory Alliance | EUR3KA and its use case: SEAC journey from snorkelling mask to PPE device

Eur3ka (“EUropean Vital Medical Supplies and Equipment Resilient and Reliable Repurposing Manufacturing as a Service NetworK for fast PAndemic Reaction”) is a EU project, that will be repurposing the manufacturing for vital medical supplies and equipment. The project aims at enhancing personal skills, new industrial value chains, service innovation, technological innovation, innovation methodologies and process innovation to fight Pandemics like Covid 19.

IDSA is proud to be involved in this challenging and cutting-edge project and to contribute the IDS Reference Architecture to Eur3ka. Thus, IDSA will ensure that the data exchange and data value chains that are fundamental to the project activities will be based on data sovereignty.

On May 6, Eur3ka will present a notable use case on manufacturing repuposing.

For more:


Date(s): May 6, 2021
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm UTC+2

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