October 24, 2023

DataBri-X | Wolters Kluwer pilot to demonstrate the capabilities of the DataBrix-X toolbox for the Legal Data Spaces

Wolters Kluwer is a global provider of specialist information, software and services for lawyers, tax advisors and auditors, clinicians and nursing staff as well as for finance, auditing, regulatory and compliance. Wolters Kluwer Germany as the DataBri-X project partner aims at making the DataBri-X approach a success in the legal domain.

On the one hand, legal information and procedures are more and more influencing and even determining business and societal conduct in digital Europe – so being able to create value from data usage is a legal question. On the other hand, society is expecting more transparency and explainability for technology and AI – and legal information is an important enabler for achieving this transparency (e.g., GDPR or data ethics). By publishing and advocating legal information from different countries, unified by a single core semantic model, systematic comparisons and analytics of legal systems and practices across Europe are possible for the first time. This leads to more transparency and justice for administrations and citizens and supports creating sustainable business across borders and jurisdictions.

The Wolters Kluwer pilot aims to serve as a nucleus for a European Legal Data Space. It will provide platform technology and specific workflows for processing legal information to address real world legal problems. In addition, the use case contributes to the vivid discussion on legal challenges in the light of Data Spaces in general as well as on consequences from implementing AI applications on top.

Another goal of the WKD platform is to expand to at least 5 countries in 4 languages, with an energy footprint reduced by 40% compared to what would be achieved without deployment of the DataBri-X toolbox.

Christian Dirschl and Anke Losch will introduce the DataBri-X project and then present the legal use case and ask all participants for their support in the future work of the use case.

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Date(s): October 24, 2023
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm Europe/Berlin

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