IDSA Events & Live Sessions

May 26, 2021

Data Spaces Dialogue | Barriers and Opportunities for Developing a Data Sharing Strategy

The EU Data Strategy is one of the pillars of the Euopean Commission’s new digital strategy, published in 2020. It has created the vision of European data spaces which adhere to rules directly derived from fundamental European values. It envisages the “flow of data within the EU and across sectors” and is based on the FAIR principles when it comes to the access, management, and use of data. Data strategies can also be developed at regional or industry level.

Following the same goal, they strive for data sharing and data value creation. They create the basis for Data Spaces, which map cross-company and data-driven collaboration along production and supply chains. There is enormous potential in them, for example, value creation potential. But also obstacles.

In the 7th edition of our Data Spaces Dialog, we go to Italy. There we look at exactly this great potential of a data strategy, but also show what obstacles there are and how they can be countered.

To this end, Alberto Riccabone from one of the most important Italian industry players, Avio Aero, will provide insights into the aerospace sector and the business challenges there, Davide Dalle Carbonare from systems integrator Engineering will present their perspective as a large company in the ICT sector, Nadia Scandelli, representing Cefriel, will share her experience with technology transfer and the involvement of SMEs in data ecosystems.

Free registration: Click here


Date(s): May 26, 2021
11:00 am - 12:00 pm UTC+2

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