May 31, 2024

Data Space 4.0 Final Event | Setting the Pathway Towards a Common European Manufacturing Data Space

The Data Space 4.0 project will celebrate its successful completion – a milestone that marks many months of dedicated work and collaboration between the consortium as well as the community of practice and demonstrates how digital transformation in manufacturing has been advanced.

On May 31, 2024, the Data Space 4.0 consortium will highlight how it has secured growth and economies of scale for future data spaces for manufacturing in general. The focus will be on the secure, fair, sovereign, responsible and cost-efficient sharing of data in data ecosystems – for dynamic asset management, predictive maintenance and agile supply chain management.

Together with many friends, IDSA’s Giulia Guissani will be on stage to introduce the very first mature blueprint version for data spaces: the Data Spaces Support Centre’s Blueprint 1.0.

Join the Data Space 4.0 party on May 31 in Brussels to experience their outstanding achievements and results!

Find more details and register here:


Date(s): May 31, 2024
9:00 am - 3:00 pm Europe/Brussels

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