September 22, 2021 – September 23, 2021

Aachen Machine Tool Colloquium [Aachener Werkzeugmaschinen-Kolloquium]

Turning Data into Sustainability – Securing Future Competitiveness by Sustainable and Resilient Production

With the effects of the pandemic hitting many manufacturing companies and changing the global economy in the long term, once again trend-setting questions are arising around the future of production technology and – in particular – are focusing on data:

What is the value of the variety of data for manufacturing companies today?
How can algorithms and analyzes be used to produce more efficiently and sustainably?
How can data acquisition and machine learning lead to rapid, error-free improvements in (series) production to become more resilient?

These core questions of the Colloquium have one aspect in common: Benefits must be derived from production data, because it contains value. Secure data ecosystems are indispensable to protect the value of data and to leave the control over the data with its owner – in short: to ensure data sovereignty.

This is why we will show how the IDS standard enables exactly this: secure data ecosystems for data security and data sovereignty, or in short, how to turn data into sustainability.

  • Join our presentation on September 23, 2021, 12:15 to 12:30 CET
    “Data Sovereignty – Control Data, Share Data, Create Added Value”
    Markos Matsas, Senior Project Manager at IDSA
  • Meet us at our booth, ask us any questions you’d like answered, learn all you want to know about data sovereignty:
    onsite at booth Fo15 or online

For registration, program and access to the online booth:


Date(s): September 22, 2021 – September 23, 2021
All Day UTC+2

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