Artificial Intelligence: IDS Data Architecture Guarantees Sovereignty and Protection

Oct 10, 2019 | News

AI Innovation Competition honors joint projects with IDSA participation

Data sovereignty is the goal of the International Data Spaces Association (IDSA). For this purpose, the initiative has developed a secure data architecture with an associated standard from 100 international companies and institutions, which are now also establishing themselves in artificial intelligence (AI): IDSA is based on five forward-looking projects that were awarded in the AI innovation competition of the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy (BMWi).

According to the BMWi, these are “outstanding approaches to new forms of AI-based platform economy”, which include the 16 winners of the competition and whose implementation will be supported for three years from January 2020. IDSA is involved in five of them. Its goal: to develop a secure data space based on the IDS data architecture. “The value of companies increasingly depends on data. These act as an engine of artificial intelligence,” emphasizes Lars Nagel, CEO of IDSA. “This makes it all the more important to have solutions that guarantee security, sovereignty and the protection of legitimate expectations.”

Five projects, five areas of application

At the same time, IDSA is widely represented with its involvement in the collaborative projects and penetrates new domains. “Each of the five projects in which we are involved represents a different scope,” explains Andreas Kembuegler, Head of Marketing and Communications at IDSA. Their implementation should provide important impulses for the use of artificial intelligence in production, maintenance, mobility, product development and speech assistance. The IDS data architecture is an important building block: “It enables value creation from data with simultaneous data sovereignty. This, in turn, is a prerequisite for the secure use and effective application of AI technologies – independent of industries and application areas”.

The IDSA and the Fraunhofer Society are involved in the following projects:

IIP-Ecosphere Next Level Ecosphere for Intelligent Industrial Production

The aim of IIP-Ecosphere is to pave the way for the intelligent production of tomorrow through AI technologies.

AI Marketplace: The Artificial Intelligence Ecosystem in Product Development

In the AI marketplace, the partners are designing a digital platform to bring together suppliers of AI applications and manufacturing companies.

Service Master: An AI-based service ecosystem for technical service in the age of Industry 4.0

Service Master wants to establish an AI-based platform that enables even less specialized employees to handle demanding tasks in the field of maintenance and repair of complex machines with the help of digital guides.

Speaker: Building a leading language assistance platform “Made in Germany”

The aim is to create a language assistance platform for specialized applications in industry and in the B2B sector, for which there are no convincing solutions yet. A German “Siri”, but which corresponds to the high IDS data sovereignty standards.

BML-EcoSys: Bauhaus.MobilityLab

The “Bauhaus.MobilityLab Erfurt” aims to develop an open, service-oriented ecosystem for a better connection of the energy, transport, mobility, environment and logistics sectors.

For our press release on the project “AI Marketplace”:

For BMWi’s press release “Winners of the KI Innovation Contest have been announced”(In German):

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