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AI REGIO calls for SMEs to build embryonic data spaces

Jun 27, 2022 | News

The AI REGIO project – Regions and Digital Innovation Hubs alliance for AI-driven digital transformation of European Manufacturing SMEs – calls on SMEs to realize experiments as individual projects or mini consortia. The Open Call is now open and will be closed on July 29, 2022.

Up to 17 experiments will complement AI REGIO in the extension of the current portfolio of “AI for Manufacturing” solutions; extending the domains of the AI REGIO Champions; and benefiting directly SMEs in underrepresented regions, with the perspective to join VANGUARD Initiative. Selected SME or consortia will benefit from financial support of up to EUR 100,000.

Manufacturing data spaces and Data4AI pipelines

These experiments are expected to cover three technological topics. Especially the first topic is interesting from IDSA’s point of view: Manufacturing Data Spaces and Data4AI pipelines. The main goal of topic 1 proposals is to build embryonic Data Spaces for Manufacturing, while showing the benefits of enhancing the value of the manufacturing data, before they are used in advanced AI applications.

Data originating from different data sources have different values for further analyses and are characterized by heterogeneous quality levels, so that a flexible and configurable Data Quality pipeline is needed. AI REGIO defines a high-level architecture for Data4AI applications and recommends the usage of end-to-end Data Pipelines. Proposals in this topic shall provide end-to-end business scenarios, reflecting real industry challenges and defining and measuring realistic data-driven business KPIs. In this perspective, it is expected that the application experiments provide their own datasets and the commitment of Manufacturing SMEs to define and measure the business benefits from Data4AI applications.

The other topics are ‘AI for Manufacturing Applications and AI-on-demand Platform contributions’ and “AI Didactic Factories for Manufacturing and TERESA Experimentations”.

Who should apply

The Open Call is addressed to digital and/or manufacturing SMEs, alone or associated in mini-consortia with Digital Innovation Hub (DIHs) and, eligible for Horizon 2020. Only one proposal will be accepted by each SME.

The AI REGIO innovation action aims to consolidate the collaboration in the pan-European network of Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs) by enhancing the offering of regional DIHs to manufacturing SMEs on three levels: policy, technology, and business impact.

To learn more about the Open Call, visit the AI REGIO website: Open Call #2 | AI REGIO (airegio-project.eu).

AI REGIO is a project funded by the European Union Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon 2020 under Grant Agreement n° 952003.

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