IDSA InfoHub

What’s new with IDSA? This page contains the latest slides, images, and press materials for you to share with your community.

Social media assets & news

Mia takes control

The Data Spaces Radar

Version 4 | March 2024

Data Connector Report

No. 14 | April 2024

DATA SPACES_ NOW! #8 | April 2023

IDSA_Anil Turkmayali_How to become a contributor to IDS

Anil Turkmayali: How to become a contributor to IDS Open Source?

IDSA_Anil Turkmayali_What is IDS Open

Anil Turkmayali: What is IDS Open Source?

IDSA_Silvia Castellvi_Design Principles for Data

Silvia Castellvi: Design Principles for Data Spaces

Christoph Mertens: Data spaces are reshaping industries

Sebastian Steinbuss: IDS RAM - blueprint for building data spaces

Sonia Jimenez Moreno: IDS Certification: the basis of trust

About the International Data Spaces Association (IDSA)

The International Data Spaces Association (IDSA) is on a mission to create the future of the global, digital economy. Its 160+ member companies and institutions have created the International Data Spaces (IDS) standard: a secure system of sovereign and trusted data sharing in which all participants can realize the full value of their data. IDS enables new smart services and innovative business processes to work across companies and industries, while ensuring that the control of data remains in the hands of data providers. We call this data sovereignty.

IDSA logo


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white-cyan | transparent background


black-cyan | white background



IDSA Corporate Design

Manual Version 10 | August 2023


Lars Nagel IDSA

Lars Nagel

Chief Executive Officer

Thorsten Huelsmann

Chief Financial Officer

Sebastian Steinbuss

Sebastian Steinbuss

Chief Technology Officer 

Christoph Mertens IDSA

Christoph Mertens

Head of Adoption

Silvia Castellvi IDSA

Silvia Castellvi

Director Research & Standardization

Sonia Jimenez

Sonia Jimenez Moreno

Director Data Space Technology

Giullia Giussani IDSA

Giulia Giussani

Senior Digital Innovation Manager

Tobias Prasse IDSA

Tobias Prasse

Director Marketing & Communications

Andreas Kembuegler IDSA

Andreas Kembuegler

Head of Marketing & Communications

Mario Holesch

Senior Consultant & Innovation Manager

Nora Gras IDSA

Nora Gras

Senior Communications Manager

Shani Tiran

Senior Consultant & Innovation Manager

Anil Turkmayali

Anil Turkmayali

Senior Project Manager

Olga Galanets

Olga Galanets

Senior Project Manager

Antoine Garnier

Antoine Garnier

Senior Consultant & Innovations Manager

Susanne Immel IDSA

Susanne Immel

Secretary of the Head Office

Antonia Kuster IDSA

Antonia Kuster

Digital Communications Manager

Carlos Gonzales IDSA

Carlos González

Ecosystem Operations Manager

Kateryna Kot IDSA

Kateryna Kot

Community & Project Manager

Nafiseh Shadman IDSA

Nafiseh Shadman

Graphic Designer

Anna Derevianko

Anna Derevianko

Membership & Administration Manager

Most important documents

Image Brochure: International Data Spaces – Enabling Data Economy

September 2021

IDS Infographic: Data Sharing in a Data Space

March 2021

The Data Spaces Radar

Version 3 | October 2023

IDS Testbed

Plug - Test - Go!

Design Principles for Data Spaces

Position Paper 2021

IDSA Rulebook

Version 2 | 2023

IDS Reference Architecture Model

Version 4.0 | 2022

DIN SPEC 27070

English Version