December 2, 2016


Data become goods and continue to gain in value.

Data become goods and continue to gain in value. The topic of the last “Point of View” leads us on to another core topic that is being discussed intensely among the members of the Industrial Data Space Association: Who owns which data? Who is allowed to access which data? And who isn’t? And: How can we use and share the data profitably? Companies ought to be looking into these questions today as they continue along the road to digitalisation.Not only are companies already dealing with the theory behind this topic, they are also involved in the practical aspects. Yet at the same time, a lack of knowledge and uncertainty still prevail when it comes to data use and digitalisation. “For example, many see cloud computing as the only way to achieve digitalisation”, says Laurent Schüller of Cybus GmbH, member of the Industrial Data Space Association since July. However, certain risks are also connected with this. The data that are to transferred to a cloud and shared with other users might be beyond the reach of the company at some point.” This sort of risk is specifically and effectively avoided with Industrial Data Space – it also offers a sensible addition to cloud computing and a network for the exchange of sensitive data. Companies generally retain control over their own data in Industrial Data Space. Jointly determined data governance regulations precisely define the rights of use and access. Data becomes local within Industrial Data Space, it is processed to a predetermined degree and within a precisely defined period while it is still completely in the data owner’s hands and before it is connected with the “outside world”. Individual agreements and regulations between data owners and data users are required here: after all, each company is different, has different processes, machines, data and objectives. A common guideline providing orientation for everybody can shorten that process. That is why the Industrial Data Space Association has set itself the objective of finding and shaping a common data governance standard.Finding common basic conditions is therefore one of the core tasks of the Industrial Data Space Association. Only with clearly defined data governance rules and processes is it possible to use and maintain data as a company asset. “It is important to clarify the topic of sovereign and secure data exchange and to create a basis of trust”, explains Lars Nagel. “The Industrial Data Space Association offers a platform for companies to face each other at eye level, to exchange ideas and to find a common, standardised solution.”

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