June 18, 2019


The new IDS RAM 3.0 is here!

Did you know?

The new IDS RAM 3.0 is here! 

What makes this version of the RAM so important?

1. It constitutes the conceptual basis of IDS compliant data exchange between organizations.

2. Specifies rules and mechanisms ensuring data sovereignty within data ecosystems.

3. Focuses on concepts such as big data, artificial intelligence, the industrial internet of things (IIoT) and blockchain technology.

4. Emphasizes on certification, security, and governance:

– defines security standards plus roles and responsibilities for the data economy

– stipulates control and enforcement rules for data usage

– specifies rules and mechanisms for data traceability and identification of data sources.

Sebastian Steinbuss, our lead architect, comments: “The new version of the IDS-RAM defines safety standards, control and enforcement rules for data usage, and mechanisms for data traceability and data provenance checks.” Have you got your hands on the latest copy yet? If not, then download it now: IDS RAM 3.0

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