July 2, 2019

How to Poison Data based on AI

Machine learning and AI systems are one of the weakest parts in the security chain and therefore can be compromised. The misuse of machine learning and AI as a weapon to infiltrate other machine learning and AI systems is called Data poisoning.
Dr. Luis Muñoz-González

Such poisoning attacks:
1. compromises data collection
2. the attacker subverts the learning process for the AI or machine learning system
3. degrades or manipulates the performance of the system

Possible attack scenarios include:
– Applications that rely on untrusted datasets:
1. Crowdsourcing to label data
2. Data collected from untrusted sources (people, sensors, etc.)
– Data curation is not always possible.

A popular example of data poisoning:
Microsoft Tay:
Tay was an artificial intelligence chatterbot that was originally released by Microsoft Corporation via Twitter on March 23, 2016; it caused subsequent controversy when the bot began to post inflammatory and offensive tweets through its Twitter account, forcing Microsoft to shut down the service only 16 hours after its launch.[1] According to Microsoft, this was caused by trolls who “attacked” the service as the bot made replies based on its interactions with people on Twitter. – Tay(Bot), Wikipedia.

Ways to defend against data poisoning:
1. Filter and pre-process the data:
a. Techniques:
– Outlier detection.
– Label sanitization techniques.
b. May require some human supervision:
– Curation of small fractions of the dataset.
c. Coordinated or stealthy attacks cannot be detected in most cases.

2. Rejecting data that can have a negative impact on the system
– Cross-validation.
– Rejection in online learning systems.
b. May require some human supervision:
– Curation of small fractions of the dataset.
c. In some cases can be computationally expensive or difficult to apply.

3. Other tricks…
a. Increase the stability of your system:
– Larger datasets
– Stable learning algorithms
– Machine ensembles
b. Establish mechanisms to measure trust during the data collection (e.g. users).
c. Design AI/ML algorithms with security in mind: use systematic attacks to test robustness.

Source: Dr. Luis Muñoz-González, Imperial College London

Author: Dr. Luis Muñoz-González
Imperial College London

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