May 19, 2022

Big things start small: MVDS magic

Let’s say you want to build a boat. To do so, you have some ideas how it will look when it is finished: with a name on its hull, colors decorating the boat bow and a holder for the beer can handy. But in the beginning these things are not important, instead you need some basic information about how to make a body, that does not sink and where to put the rudder.
Anil Turkmayali

The MVDS (Minimum Viable Data Space) is your starter helper for building data spaces. It is a combination of basic components, just enough features to make a data space possible. A lean version – to be usable for secure and sovereign data sharing as specified by IDSA. It shortens the implementation time and effort, and at the same time it allows you to try out what later could become a more complex version. MVDS is a quick installation guide for a data space implementation that is compatible with the IDS Reference Architecture Model.

Who’s the audience for the MVDS?

It is for people who know a little bit about technology and want to follow the quickest path possible for now. It is for data space enthusiasts! A basic understanding of digital workings is necessary, but then MVDS can do its magic and a first secure version of what you need can be set up. As current best practice, it is a unique solution provided by ISDA.

Where to find it?

You find the MVDS on GitHub, it is public. Here is the link to more information: idsa/MVDS at main · International-Data-Spaces-Association/idsa ( We also strongly encourage you to come to our booth in hall 5 at the Hanover Fair starting May 30th.

How can you contribute to it?

If you contribute to MVDS and propose a modification, we will review it. The MVDS is continuously evolving, basically we are all learning and developing it together. Therefore, we encourage your feedback. Everyone who is interested in implementing data spaces is welcome to send us their opinion by simply creating an issue on GitHub. The technology is still young and flexible, there are opportunities all around us, and together we can build boats, data spaces and much more!

Author: Anil Turkmayali
Anil Turkmayali is senior project manager at IDSA

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