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Connecting the dots

Major digital initiatives around the world are working with IDSA to connect IDS concepts and standards with broad-based national and industry digital strategies, business needs and specific applications.

What our liaisons do

Industries need to agree on functions and interfaces for platforms, reference architectures and interaction protocols that have the potential to create markets and opportunities for the data economy of the future. This is not only true for the manufacturing sector but also for agriculture, healthcare, energy, public administration, municipalities and much more.

Our liaisons are partner organizations and initiatives with whom we collaborate to align our common work, share best practices and support each other in standardization activities. Some companies are members of multiple initiatives, so there is strong demand and support for the alignment of these approaches. Find out more about them below.

Big Data Value Association (BDVA)

BDVA is an industry-driven, international, not-for-profit organization that is working with IDSA to enable a European solution for Big Data and the AI-driven data economy. BDVA offers expertise and people who bring a functional point of view to the table, complementing IDSA’s international approach and expertise in data sharing in a data economy. The liaison relationship has the potential to help build an onboarding community, enabling users to implement IDS components in an ecosystem of trust, and integrate BD/AI applications and platforms into the ecosystem to deliver functionality to potential customers.

Data Intelligence Offensive (DIO)

The Data Intelligence Offensive is a cooperative platform of individuals, companies, organizations and public authorities to promote data management and the optimized use of technologies. The liaison with IDSA is based on our shared goal of a data economy based on trust and ethics; security and data sovereignty; data quality and interoperability; and establishing a cross-domain data ecosystem.

Data Sharing Coalition

The Data Sharing Coalition is an open and growing international initiative that is working to unlock the value of cross-sectoral data sharing. The group aims to drive sovereign cross-sectoral data sharing by enabling interoperability between data-sharing initiatives and strengthening individual initiatives. IDSA is a founding member.

Data Society Alliance (DSA) / DATA-EX

The purpose of DSA is to set up technical and systematic environments so that users can easily judge, collect and utilize data that they seek.

The aim of the liaison relationship with IDSA is to focus on data quality for cross-company data exchange and on certification and architectures for data sharing. Part of that is to promote DATA-EX, a platform for cross-disciplinary data collaboration, that links existing data collaboration efforts.

Furthermore, IDSA and DSA will intensively consult on questions and developments with respect to data exchange, data catalogs and data marketplaces.


FIWARE is a curated framework of open-source platform components that can be assembled together with other third-party components to accelerate the development of smart solutions. The liaison between IDSA and FIWARE is designed to expand and actualize Europe’s focus on the secure and sovereign exchange of data between companies and organizations in a way that is agnostic with regard to technologies, platforms and vendors. IDSA is a member.

Industrial Internet Consortium (IIC)

The IIC is a global, non-profit partnership of industry, researchers and academics, bringing together the organizations and technologies to accelerate the growth of the industrial internet. Data is a key economic factor in the success of the industrial internet, making collaboration between the IIC and IDSA critical on standards and certification for data spaces. The IDS provides valuable resources for applications that are compliant with IIC’s reference architecture, and IIC helps extend the effectiveness of key aspects of IDS.

Industrial Valuechain Initiative (IVI)

The Industrial Valuechain Initiative is working to design a new society in which manufacturing and IT are integrated. The IVI is specifically concerned with the human factor and how manufacturing with people will change in the IoT era.

Industrial data sharing is key to a number of IVI initiatives, so alignment between IVI and IDSA concepts is critical. Although the two organizations’ approaches are not identical, they are complementary, and the in-depth analysis of data privacy and security elements by the IDSA enables the business-related considerations proposed by IVI.


iSHARE is a not-for-profit initiative that has developed a data sharing scheme to enable organizations to provide access to their data to other parties.

iSHARE focuses on defining data usage rules around identification, authorization and authentication. The basic principle underlying iSHARE, as it is for IDSA, is data sovereignty. Today, iSHARE implements legal contracts for the enforcement of the data usage terms.

iSHARE has been live since 2018, so its protocol can kick-start IDS implementations by specifying iSHARE as a trust option in order to achieve the ‘first and conditional’ level of data sovereignty. This serves as a strong foundation for the market adoption of IDS. IDSA is a member.


OPC Foundation

OPC is the interoperability standard for the secure and reliable exchange of data in the industrial automation space and other areas of industry. The OPC Foundation and IDSA work together to develop the infrastructure necessary for the two organizations to promote systemwide interoperability. The goal is to deploy an interoperability standard that is platform-independent and ensures the seamless flow of information among devices from multiple vendors.

Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC)

The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) is an international non-profit consortium aiming to make geospatial (location) information and data services FAIR – Finadable, Accessable, interoperable, Reusable.

The collaboration between OGC and IDSA aims to synchronize the activities of both organizations, fostering a collaborative environment for technical standards to seamlessly interoperate. This will be achieved in part through joint participation in potential future projects and initiatives, particularly in the areas of global supply chains, intelligent transport, and smart city data spaces.

The two organizations have already identified several ongoing or completed projects relevant to their work together, including: Divine, Flexigrobots, DEMETER, ATLAS & AgriDataValue, Iliad, AD4GD, OGC Rainbow, and others.

Robot Revolution & Industrial IoT Initiative (RRI)

The RRI is a private-led organizational platform to promote the “Robot Revolution” as described in The New Robot Strategy. This document defines “robot” as a system that executes tasks by using digital and network technology, advanced sensors, and artificial intelligence.

One of the organization’s key goals is to use IoT technology to demonstrate the viability and commercial potential of the new robot age. The parallels and synergies with IDSA concepts are clear.

Join us!

If your organization is interested in joining forces with the IDSA, email us at info@internationaldataspaces.org. The IDSA provides a reference architecture for trustworthy and secure data exchange as well as a reference implementation and a growing number of products and solutions for our members. The focus on data sovereignty already extends the Plattform Industrie 4.0, the Industrial Internet Consortium Reference Architecture, FIWARE and others.


Position paper

Jointly Paving the Way for a Data Driven Digitalisation of European Industry

Position paper

Implementing the European Strategy on Data. Role of International Data Spaces

Use Cases

How data sovereignty is put into practice

Any questions? Contact us!

Thorsten Huelsmann

Your contact person:
Thorsten Hülsmann

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