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March 3, 2022

“Fantastic Four” bring assets to transform Europe’s data economy

Data spaces are the future of business, research and government. What we need are clear roles and responsibilities, how to run them. And just as the fictional superhero squad of the “Fantastic Four” was part of the Sixties, we now need superpowers and a lot of collaboration for data spaces now! So, we got our own “Fantastic Four”.

The four successful, well established organizations Big Data Value Association (BDVA), FIWARE Foundation, Gaia-X and IDSA teamed up to force trusted data spaces at the right corners. Together they became a new powerhouse of more than 1,000 companies and organizations, the: Data Spaces Business Alliance (DSBA).

“Forming this alliance, we are constituting the first and largest think tank, becoming the thought leaders in Europe on data spaces and trusted platforms”

Francesco Bonfiglio, Chief Executive Officer at Gaia-X.

The Fantastic Four’s superpowers

Each of these four organizations brings different assets and a bucket of passion to the DSBA and its mission to accelerate business transformation in the data economy. Gaia-X has a broad portfolio of business projects in many areas to develop essential services for example in automotive, mobility, agriculture, and healthcare. BDVA shines as a large association in the fields of research and artificial intelligence. The data economy of the future needs trust; but also interoperable building blocks, standard APIs, standard data models and broad open-source technology. All of this will enable data spaces from different domains to be connected. Here FIWARE is a strong, long-standing partner of IDSA, providing great added value in these fields of technology.

“With the DSBA we want to be the north star for the development and success of data spaces, the go-to-place, where you can find everything that is already agreed on, harmonized and interoperable, a one-stop shop.”

Lars Nagel, CEO of the IDSA

Acting with pinpoint accuracy

Data sharing happens internationally and regionally, different companies from different sectors work together with data. This large community of technology users and providers, a mix of big and small companies, that the DSBA unites, helps to understand the needs of the market. An important basis for acting with pinpoint accuracy. Here at the DSBA the significant discussions & decisions are taking place – advancing the joint master plan.

“Not doing this would be a failure. One of the most challenging issues to make our dream of this data economy happen is fragmentation. If we don’t bring the different communities together, the different existing assets, we’re not going to succeed.”

Ana Garcia Robles, Secretary General at Big Data Value Association

Combining our superpowers, we will make it happen!

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