IDSA hubs: how they contribute to the success of data spaces 

IDSA hubs: how they contribute to the success of data spaces 

The word hub sounds already warm and friendly – nearly like a hug! And in a way they are exactly that, welcoming places to connect and develop trust. What are the IDSA hubs in France, Italy, Spain and Finland doing? Who can get a “hug” and how?  Generally speaking,...
How to graduate as an official IDS open-source project

How to graduate as an official IDS open-source project

IDSA has been working for some time on providing a catalog of our open-source projects. This is where everyone who is interested in experimenting with data spaces can choose their ingredients (building blocks) and check the recipes (deployment scenarios/examples) they...
“We are working on something big”

“We are working on something big”

When Ed Curry, director of the Insight Centre for Data Analytics in Dublin, looks at the current state of the International Data Spaces Association, he feels quite pleased. “I think we can say that Data Spaces 1.0 is fully operational. It’s happening right now,” he...
Rulebooks for data spaces: plug and play!

Rulebooks for data spaces: plug and play!

The technical aspects to the legal, business and operational parts of a data spaces require harmonization. What works? What is allowed and what’s not? With standardized agreements, based on the IDSA rulebook for data spaces, interoperability becomes possible. The...