An executive board like no other
IDSA’s secure, cross-sector solution for global data sharing is built, not only on a strong technical foundation, but also on a rock-solid foundation of leadership, with an executive board of top business and scientific leaders drawn from multiple industries and perspectives. Founded in February 2016, the IDSA currently has 14 board members representing some of the most respected organizations in the world. Learn more about them below.
Dr. Reinhold Achatz
Prof. Dr. Boris Otto
Deputy Chair
Fraunhofer ISST
Ulrich Ahle
Dario Avallone
Ute Burkhardt
Olivier Colas
Christoph Gerkum
Deutsche Telekom AG
Marcus Hartmann
Jesus de la Maza
Innovalia Association
Sophie Proust
Akira Sakaino
NTT Communications
Niels Syassen
Dr. André T. Nemat
Virtuelles Krankenhaus NRW
Berry Vetjens
Any questions? Contact us!
Your contact person:
Susanne Immel
Secretary of the Head Office
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