European Rail Data Space
Europe’s entire rail community is joining forces to create a data ecosystem for the track. Watch out – it’s fast!

The focus of the Rail Data Space (RDS) is on creating an interoperable and secure federated Data Space for Rail that can be trusted by all partners. On the long run RDS is a data space for the entire rail community
The Rail Data Space is one of the key ”digital enablers” for the digitalization of the European Rail System. It is developed within the Europe’s Rail Joint Undertaking’s MOTIONAL Flagship Project, which focuses on innovative solutions for European Rail Network and Mobility Management, providing at the same time a common data sharing capability to all other Undertaking’s projects.
- Enhancement of competitiveness and sustainability for the rail industry
- Providing of opportunities to create new services and products through shared data assets
- Integration of rail transportation into a comprehensive mobility system
- 100% driven by industry needs
- Accommodation of widely accepted data models
- Complying with and utilization of open-source architectures
- From the Eclipse Data Space Components project:
- EDC Connector
- Certificate Authority
- Federated Catalogue
- Self-Sovereign Identity
- DIH Digital.ID based on the GAIA-X Trust Framework 22.10
- Clearing House