Reference Architecture
Let’s Get Real: The IDS Reference Architecture Model
Data is business’s most valuable asset – but it can only deliver on its full value when you put it into use and share it in ways that you determine and control. International data spaces (IDS) are where this kind of trustworthy, self-determined data sharing can happen, and our Reference Architecture Model (IDS-RAM) sets the standard for building them.
Data is your most valuable asset
Data will increasingly be a key source of competitive advantage for the future of global business — but only if you can share it while maintaining control over its use. The IDS-RAM sets the fundamental standards for building ecosystems that enable trusted data sharing, smart products and innovative services.
The IDS-RAM is the beating heart of IDS — it defines the key components, their interactions, and the principles that govern the architecture of data spaces.
What is the IDS-RAM?
To build the IDS Reference Architecture Model, companies collaborated with scientists, technologists and policymakers. The result is a conceptual framework for designing and implementing IDS-compliant data spaces.
Role model
Role model: IDS-RAM serves as a practical blueprint, but also as an exemplar of the ethical and design principles that well ensure trustworthiness in data exchange and true data sovereignty in the data economy of the future.
Data sovereignty
Data sovereignty: in the open, federated data marketplace we envision, the IDS-RAM enables self-determination and control over data usage to remain in the hands of those who collect, store and provide it, rather than passing to large data exchange platforms and others, as is often the case today.
Information model
The IDS-RAM’s information model is open, agnostic with regard to technologies and domains. This approach enables data exchange within a trusted ecosystem while preserving data sovereignty. The information model enables the comprehensive description of data assets and interoperability required for this kind of exchange.
Usage policy enforcement
The IDS-RAM provides a framework for technically enforced agreements for data sharing in addition to existing, legally binding contracts. This serves to underwrite trust in the system.
IDS-RAM 4.0 repository on GitHub
The working version of the IDS-RAM 4.0 is available on GitHub. Whether you have a question, want to request a change, or contribute to the text: Just join IDSA on GitHub.
Preliminary draft of IDS RAM 5 available
We have released the preliminary draft of the Reference Architecture Model (RAM) 5. The working draft introduces a new Trust Perspective, replacing the previous Security section, while updating the foundational aspects of the model.
Access the draft via Gitbook:
This draft serves as an open invitation to the data spaces community for feedback and contributions. Share your insights using this form or contact the IDSA team.
What’s new in RAM 5
RAM 5 is aligned with the latest developments in the Dataspace protocol, IDSA Rulebook, DSSC blueprint and more.
RAM 5 includes all variants of data space authorities: centralized, federated/distributed, decentralized, e.g. in the trust framework.
RAM 5 provides architectural guidance for all roles in data spaces: Data space authorities, participants, service providers.
RAM 5 will have a modular approach instead of a linear approach for structuring the five layers and three perspectives.
Any questions? Contact us!
Your contact person:
Ilknur Chulani
Senior Program Manager
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