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IDS research projects are the springboards that bring fundamental IDS concepts to life, test first proofsofconcept and stimulate the adoption of IDS ideas.

IDSA as consortium partner

The consortium is at the heart of any research project. It is not only a written requirement for collaborative projects in Europe, but also crucial to the success of the project itself. See for yourself in which research or coordination projects IDSA is a consortium partner.


Short description

Agriculture faces major challenges: It must meet the world’s food needs, provide farmers with an adequate income and protect the environment at the same time. To achieve these goals, smart agriculture and careful use of resources are required. AgriDataValue aims to establish itself as a “game changer” in the field of smart agriculture and agri-environmental monitoring.

Overall goal

The project will strengthen smart agriculture capacity, competitiveness and fair income through the implementation of an innovative, intelligent and multi-technological fully distributed platform.
AgriDataValue takes a multi-dimensional approach that combines Big Data and Data Spaces technologies (BDVA/IDSA/GAIA-X) with agricultural knowledge, new business models and agri-environmental measures.

DaCapo - Digital assets and tools for Circular value chains and manufacturing products

Short description

DaCapo aims to create human-centric digital tools and services that promote the adoption of Circular Economy strategies across manufacturing value chains and product lifecycles. By leveraging digital assets, AI-based systems, and Digital Twins, these tools and services will enhance sustainability, efficiency, and the use of resources in manufacturing. The project will develop a new methodological approach that considers business models, material flows, and circular strategies to support decision-making.

Overall goal

The overall goal of DaCapo is to foster widespread adoption of Circular Economy strategies in manufacturing. Through digital tools and services, it drives sustainability, efficiency, and resource optimization. DaCapo will establish a digital architecture aligned with interoperability and connectivity standards, ensuring seamless data sharing and integration. This architecture will be based on the IDS standard. IDSA also plays a leading role in standardization activities. The project will be demonstrated in production and consumer environments related to aeronautics, electronics, and logistics.

DATAMITE - DATA Monetization, Interoperability, Trading & Exchange

Short description

DATAMITE will provide a modular framework for European companies to facilitate data monetization, interoperability, trading and exchange. To this end, the project will provide users with tools and open-source training materials to help improve data management and compliance with FAIR principles.

Overall goal

The goal is to open new revenue streams and business models through sovereign data sharing. DATAMITE will validate the results in three different use cases, demonstrating that the framework is interoperable and applicable in different domains and user needs: 1) intra-enterprise, cross-sector data sharing; 2) data trading between data spaces; 3) integration with other initiatives such as data markets, EU AI on Demand platform or DIHs.

Dat4.Zero – The Future of Zero-Defect Manufacturing

Short description

DAT4.Zero is a digitally-enhanced quality management system (DQM) that gathers and organizes data from a distributed multi-sensor network (DMN), which offers adequate levels of data accuracy and precision for effective decision support and problem-solving. The system usessmart, dynamic feedback and feed-forward mechanisms with the aim of achieving zero defect manufacturing.

Overall goal

The aim of DAT4.Zero is to integrate smart, cost-effective sensors and actuators for process simulation, monitoring, and control; to develop real-time data validation and integrity strategies within actual production lines; to demonstrate innovative data management strategies as an integrated approach to ZDM and to develop strategies for rapid line qualification and reconfiguration

DIVINE - DemonstratIng the Value of data sharINg to boost the agri-data Economy

Short description

Although some players in agriculture are making good use of the data they generate, the industry still lacks holistic approaches to data sharing and analysis along the entire agri-food supply chain. The DIVINE project will build an agricultural data ecosystem that incorporates existing agricultural data spaces while conducting industry-led pilots based on data sharing agreements.

Overall goal

The goal of DIVINE is to demonstrate the cost-benefit and added value of agricultural data sharing. DIVINE will promote its ecosystem and assessments to technology providers, policymakers, agriculture representatives, and various other agricultural data stakeholders. It will take the first concrete steps towards mature data markets in European and global agriculture.


EU DATA SP4CE - A EUropean Common Digital MAnufacturing InfrasTructure and DatA Space Pathway for ConnectedFactories 4.0 Data Value Chain GovernancE

Short description

Manufacturing data spaces for Europe development has been so far conducted by many different alliances, projects, networks and in many cases driven in the context of National Industry 4.0 initiatives and within seed disconnected projects to establish the first “embryonic data spaces” for different applications in different manufacturing sectors.

Overall goal

The data space development should not only break data silos per-se, but it should also break the data space development silos. Therefore, the main mission of EU DATA SP4CE is to facilitate a “sectorial alliance” that brings a unified voice across national initiatives & EU manufacturing data-driven initiatives (European, national, regional, local, offer, demand) under one common governance framework for technical and business alignment to capitalize on recently established data directives and regulations and unlock business models and rich data value chains in manufacturing products, factories and supply chains.


Short description

Health-X Dataloft supports the vision of a European health data space in which patients enjoy the full digital sovereignty over their data. Health-X Dataloft delivers on the need to unify the control and access of data from the primary and secondary healthcare market by implementing IDS enabled GAIA-X infrastructure components to facilitate cross sectoral interoperability and trustworthy data sharing.

Overall goal

The approach aims to put citizens at the center of consideration for the provision, the use case as well as their control of sharing or keeping their own health data from the two health markets.

MERLOT – MarkEtplace foR LifelOng educaTional dataspaces and smart service provisioning

Short description

MERLOT is one of eleven projects awarded in the funding competition “Innovative and practical applications and data spaces in the Gaia-X digital ecosystem”. The project’s goal is to digitize the education sector in Europe. This will enable European citizens to have better learning outputs and gain equal access to education. To achieve this, the processing of sensitive personal data is necessary

Overall goal

MERLOT aims to establish an educational data space, encompassing federated services, data marketplace and the sovereign sharing of data between participants. By using the GXFS structure, complemented with IDS data space expertise, learners, schools, public institutions, and educational service providers will be able to share sensitive educational data in a GDPR-compliant manner – without having to enter into separate individual agreements or compromising privacy.

IDSA will ensure the transfer of knowledge about data spaces into the project, but also from the projects into a common standard and underlying components as open-source software. DSA will also create a technical, legal and Gaia-X compliant concept for educational data spaces and for smart educational services.

Omega-X – Orchestrating an interoperable sovereign federated Multi-vector Energy data space built on open standards and ready for Gaia-X.

Short description

Omega-X stands for Orchestrating an interoperable sovereign federated Multi-vector Energy data space built on open standards and ready for Gaia-X. The proposed concept and architecture heavily rely on the approaches adopted by IDSA, GAIA-X, FIWARE, BDVA/DAIRO and SGAM as major EU references regarding data spaces. It will pursue the GAIA-X label, which ensures highest standards on protection, security, transparency, openness and trust, avoids vendor lock-in and is restricted to EU countries.

Overall goal

The aim of this European research and innovation action is to implement an Energy Data Space which will be based on common European standards, including a federated infrastructure, a data marketplace, and a service marketplace.

PLIADES - AI-Enabled Data Lifecycles Optimization and Data Spaces Integration for Increased Efficiency and Interoperability

Short description

PLIADES advances data space reference architectures, empowering data as a key driver for AI and Robotics innovation. It pioneers AI-enabled tools for seamless data integration across life cycles within and between data spaces. Sustainable data creation methods ensure efficient storage with reduced environmental impact. Data privacy and sovereignty are fortified through decentralized protocols. IDS-based brokers and data connectors revolutionize data sharing, enhancing metadata for improved interoperability. Active data discovery services enable linked data spaces and real-time data evaluation. Collaborations with EU initiatives contribute to a Common European Data Space. Six diverse use cases validate advancements in AI and Robotics, spanning mobility, healthcare, industry, energy, and green deal sectors.

 IDSA’s contribution

The project capitalizes on the IDS-RAM to comprehensively analyze technical, functional, and organizational requirements for sovereign data sharing. Through threat and risk analysis, security measures are devised, prioritizing essential features of trusted connectors like App Isolation and Data Usage Control. Utilizing IDS-RAM ensures not only data sovereignty but also secure data sharing and compatibility with diverse protocols.

TANGO – Digital Technologies ActiNg as a Gatekeeper to information and data flOws

Short description

TANGO will establish a stronger cross-sector data sharing. The overall outcome of the project is a novel platform that allows user-friendly, secure, trustworthy, compliant, fair, transparent, accountable, and environmentally sustainable data management. The platform will promote trustworthy and digitally enabled interactions across society, having at its core technology components for distributed, privacy preserving and environmentally sustainable data collection, processing, analysis, sharing and storage.

Overall goal

TANGO aims at leveraging the power of emerging digital technologies to strengthen the privacy for citizens and private/public organizations, reduce costs and improve productivity. It will unlock the innovation potential of digital technologies for decentralized, privacy-preserving applications, while making accessible and demonstrating this potential within the GAIA-X and EOSC ecosystem


WILSON – Distributed data modelling and Federated Digital Twinning for lifecycle data-driven sustainable operation and management of buildings and districts

Short description

As the built environment confronts challenges like climate change, energy consumption, and social inequality, there’s an increasing need for sustainable building practices that go beyond just energy efficiency. These practices must address environmental, social, and economic factors throughout the entire lifecycle of buildings. In response to these challenges, WILSON introduces an innovative approach that utilizes semantic data repositories, cognitive digital twins, and decentralized data management to revolutionize building and portfolio management

Overall goal

The project’s primary aim is to enhance sustainability by employing advanced technologies and novel management practices. Central to WILSON’s development is a decentralized data mesh architecture, designed to be independent of and compatible with proprietary Building Management Systems (BMS) and Digital Twin Systems. The key goals include improving building operations, assessing environmental impact, and enhancing building diagnostics and monitoring. To achieve this, Personalized Data Hubs (PDHs) will connect and integrate all WILSON solutions, following International Data Spaces (IDS) principles.

BD4NRG – Big Data for Next Generation Energy

Short description

The rising decentralization of the energy system is unveiling an enormous opportunity for energy stakeholders to leverage on big data & AI technologies to improve decision making. There are however some barriers hampering the exploitation of this potential, such as the lack of standardized big data architectures for smart grids and regulatory frameworks not enabling data sharing.

Overall goal

BD4NRG will deliver a reference architecture for Smart Energy, which aligns BDVA SRIA, IDSA and FIWARE architectures, SAREF standard and extend COSMAG specification to enable B2B multi-party data exchange, while providing full interoperability of leading-edge big data technologies with smart grid standards and operational frameworks.

IDSA will contribute to the definition of the Smart Energy reference architecture and will lead the Standardisation and clustering activities.


Short description

Data spaces, platforms and marketplaces are key to unleash the potential of sovereign data sharing in Europe. However, data sharing and data interoperability are still at their infancy. The DataBri-X project aims at equipping European Data Spaces, platforms and marketplaces and their wide range of stakeholders with a holistic and flexible data governance process and a seamless integrated standards-based toolbox for data- and metadata management.  

Overall goal

The goal is to create a toolbox that will improve the interoperability, usability, discoverability, quality, and integrity of data and metadata, with the aim of making data sets ready for expanded digital value creation in the context of European Data Spaces.

Data Spaces Support Centre (DSSC)

Short description

This coordination and support action will set up and operate a Support Centre to operationalize the European Strategy for Data and facilitate common data spaces that collectively create an interoperable data sharing environment. The aim is to enable data reuse and secondary use within and across sectors, fully respecting EU values, and contributing to the European economy and society.

Overall goal

The DSSC explores the needs of the data spaces initiatives, the common requirements, and best practices. By distilling existing solutions, integrating what works, and closing gaps of what is missing, the DSSC delivers the Data Spaces Blueprint, composed of common building blocks encompassing the business, legal, operational, technical and societal aspects of data spaces. The Blueprint continuously evolves with a user-centric approach, as the result of co-creation with the stakeholders.

DISCO – Data-driven, Integrated, Syncro-modal, Collaborative and Optimised urban freight meta model for a new generation of urban logistics and planning with data sharing at European Living Labs

Short description

DISCO aims to create a European urban freight (UF) data space that serves as a one-stop-shop for sharing data on digital urban logistics solutions. Through real-life demonstrations, DISCO will prove the value of this ecosystem and its replicable use cases. The project focuses on transforming urban planning and land use by establishing an open and collaborative UF Data Space with smart governance. This framework encourages purpose-oriented data sharing, improves urban logistics planning, and reduces dependence on private digital platforms. IDSA will onboard the participants in data spaces, prepare an onboarding toolkit and give the living labs visibility on the IDSA data spaces radar.

Overall goal

DISCO expands the scope of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs) to drive data-driven Sustainable Urban Logistics Planning (SULPs) across various urban areas. By optimizing city freight flows and enhancing accessibility, DISCO enables well-informed planning and optimized land use within a larger, global context.

Enershare – the Energy Data Space for Europe

Short description

Data sharing in the energy sector is lagging, mainly due to lack of trust, privacy breaches risk and business models immaturity. In that respect, Enershare will deliver a Reference Architecture for an European Energy Data Space, which hybridizes SGAM with IDSA and Gaia-X architectures.

The project will develop building blocks for interoperability, trust, data value and governance that are IDS-compliant and adapted to the energy sector. The overall Enershare framework will be applied, implemented, demonstrated, and validated in 7 real-life pilots, 11 use cases, across 7 countries.


FAME - Federated decentralized trusted dAta Marketplace for Embedded finance

Short description

FAME will develop, deploy and launch a federated data marketplace for Embedded Finance (EmFi). The project will extend a data marketplace infrastructure in three directions: 1) secure, interoperable and compliant data sharing across multiple federated cloud-based data providers in line with new European initiatives such as GAIA-X; 2) decentralized trading of data assets using blockchain tokenization techniques; 3) integration of trusted and energy-efficient (EE) analytics.


FAME will be connected to more than 12 data marketplaces operated by project partners, as well as other data infrastructures. Through this process, the FAME marketplace catalog will be populated with more than 1000 data assets.

HEDGE-IoT – Holistic Approach towards Empowerment of the DiGitalization of the Energy Ecosystem through adoption of IoT solutions

Short description

HEDGE-IoT introduces a novel Digital Framework for energy systems, deploying IoT assets from behind-the-meter to the Transmission System Operator level. By integrating AI/ML tools at the edge and cloud layers, it enhances system intelligence. Bridging the cloud/edge continuum, HEDGE-IoT fosters federated applications, boosting the hosting capacity of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) and creating new market opportunities. The framework emphasizes IoT standardization and interoperable energy services, supported by pillars: Technology Facilitator, Interoperability, Standardization, and Digital Energy Ecosystem Enabling. It engages with EU IoT initiatives and prioritizes stakeholder involvement, addressing IoT ethics for inclusivity. Scalability studies and connections with innovators and SMEs ensure effectiveness and drive innovation within the IoT ecosystem.

IDSA’s contribution
HEDGE-IoT will utilize IDSA assets such as the IDSA Reference architecture Model and the IDSA Rulebook, emphasizing semantic and technological interoperability, trust, data sovereignty, data value, and governance. The project will tailor these frameworks to edge/cloud applications within IoT infrastructure, interfacing with legacy equipment. Key components like IDS-compliant connectors and a central Context Broker will be integrated into HEDGE-IoT’s proposed reference architecture.

ODEON - federated data and intelligence Orchestration & sharing for the Digital Energy transition

Short description

Significant strides have been made toward the Twin Transition, yet the recent energy crisis exposed the EU’s vulnerability and reliance on external energy sources. This underscores the imperative to bolster RES integration across electricity, transport, and building sectors. ODEON envisions an inclusive ecosystem fostering resilient energy systems through distributed flexibility. It introduces a reliable, scalable federated technological framework—the ODEON Cloud-Edge Data and Intelligence Service Platform. This platform, including Federated Energy Data Spaces and AI Containers, facilitates innovative, data-driven energy services. Validated in large-scale demos across diverse contexts, ODEON aims for widespread replication and market adoption.

IDSA’s contribution

In conjunction with the IDS RAM v4.2, the project will develop an overall architecture for data sharing, along with technical specifications for key components and their functionalities. This involves translating requirements into specific features and organizing them into modular components. Moreover, the initiative will consider the buildings and mobility data modeling landscape and will draw from the work of IDSA on semantic interoperability, including the Energy Interoperability Taskforce and the IDS Vocabulary Hub.

OPENVERSE - OPEN and co-created metaVERSe for Europe

Short description

Europe envisions an open, transparent, and inclusive Metaverse, prioritizing ethical and environmental responsibility while restoring EU industry’s technological sovereignty globally. This European Metaverse promises higher accessibility, freedom, and equitable resource distribution, along with interoperability, privacy, and security. It fosters innovation, creativity, and social benefits through collaborative environments. OPENVERSE aims to establish this Metaverse by building a knowledge base, fostering stakeholder communities, and testing user co-creation and XR methodologies. It addresses ethical, legal, and governance challenges, proposing industry standards and a roadmap for the Open Metaverse in Europe and beyond.

RE4DY – European Data as a PRoduct Value Ecosystems for Resilient Factory 4.0 Product and ProDuction ContinuitY and Sustainability

Short description

Only with the help of innovative data-driven processes can the green, circular and digital transformation of European production succeed. Companies that successfully implement decision support based on AI, Digital Threads and Digital Twin solutions will remain competitive in the long run. For this, RE4DY proposes the core concept of “data as a product” to facilitate the implementation of digital continuity across data spaces.

Overall goal

The project will show how European Industry 4.0 can build unique data-driven digital value networks to remain competitive through sovereign data exchange in virtual data spaces across all production phases.

VELES Excellence Hub – Strengthening the South-East Europe Smart Health Regional Excellence and Boosting the Innovation Potential

Short description

Smart Health utilizes AI, cloud computing, and IoT to integrate health data and foster innovative healthcare solutions. The European Commission prioritizes the creation of a European Health Data Space, improving data exchange and access. Also regional strategies in Bulgaria, Romania, Greece, and Cyprus stress the significance of digitalized healthcare. To establish a Southeast Europe Smart Health Innovation Ecosystem, a coordinated approach is crucial.

Overall goal

VELES aims to enhance innovation excellence in Southeast EU by creating a sustainable innovation ecosystem, supported by a Regional Smart Health Data Space. The project includes a framework, strategy, and action plan for the adoption of secure digital solutions in healthcare. IDSA will play a crucial role in supporting the development and implementation of the methodological framework. VELES will demonstrate the Regional Smart Health Data Space through four interrelated initiatives focused on cancer treatment, personalized/precision medicine for Alzheimer’s, cerebral tumors, and dementia. The project’s goal is to promote regional and national health data sharing strategies, improve clinical practice, and empower citizens with access to innovative and secure digital health services.


Short description

Minimizing waste and pollution in manufacturing enables economic progress and conserves resources. The new research project Zero-SWARM – zero-enabling smart networked control framework for agile cyber physical production systems of systems – strives to achieve climate-neutral and digitized manufacturing through the adoption of 5G technologies in the European manufacturing sector. The International Data Spaces Association will contribute its expertise in sovereign data sharing in manufacturing.

Overall goal

The goal of the project is to develop a multidisciplinary, human-centric approach that will lead to technical solutions for an open swarm framework, a non-public 5G network, and a digital twin. Zero-SWARM will be a forum where maturing technologies, such as 5G and cloud edge continuum, data technologies and analytics (including data spaces and GAIA-X), and operational technologies are co-developed and co-created in 10 different trials.

Any questions? Contact us!

Silvia Castellvi

Your contact person:
Silvia Castellvi 
Director Research & Standardization

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