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Hubs & competence centers

Join our network of international hubs, competence centers & labs

The IDSA has inspired a strong network of international hubs and competence centers that share knowledge and information about IDS in countries around the world. These hubs and competence centers are all facilitated by not-for-profit organizations that understand the importance of sovereign data sharing for future data economies and global value chains.

Our partners are building momentum across Europe and around the world

IDSA hubs and competence centers build bridges for growth and adoption in their countries. They disseminate the IDS standard for data sovereignty and data ecosystems in Europe and beyond. And they build cooperation with international R&D organizations and companies.

The facilitators of IDSA hubs and competence centers are all not-for-profit organizations, operating out of universities or research and technology organizations. These organizations work with IDSA on a variety of initiatives to create awareness of data sovereignty, transfer knowledge, recruit new IDSA members, and disseminate IDS-based applications. They also foster and coordinate research and development projects to further develop the IDS standard, even beyond their country borders.

IDSA Hub in Austria facilitated by Data Intelligence Offensive (DIO)

The DIO association is taking on the role of the new IDSA hub. This development marks a decisive step in the promotion and strengthening of the data community in Austria. The proven expertise and commitment of DIO, which operates dataspaces and drives the data infrastructure forward, will create a pioneering platform that enables innovation in the data sector and intensifies collaboration within the Austrian data landscape.

Your contact person:
Günther Tschabuschnig
President Data Intelligence Offensive

IDSA Hub Brazil facilitated by ABINC

ABINC, the Brazilian Association of Internet of Things, is a non-profit organization with the mission to catalyze, foster, and promote various interests and needs within the IoT business sector, aiming to satisfy its associates and partners through actions and representations in both the public and private spheres. ABINC endeavors to contribute to technological development while respecting individuals, society, and the environment.


ABINC has decided to partner with IDSA, creating and facilitating the IDSA hub in Brazil, as it perceives Data Spaces as a natural evolution of IoT and a fundamental component of the development of the Brazilian Digital Economy landscape. This decision is aligned with its mission to promote international cooperation and position Brazil’s economy at the forefront of technological advancement.

Your contact person:
Flavio Maeda
Vice President at ABINC

IDSA Competence Center China: CFIEC

The IDSA Competence Center is facilitated by the China Future Internet Engineering Center (CFIEC), a leading provider and operator of new infrastructure services, focusing on IPv6, DNS, SDN/NFV, advanced computing, blockchain, and data governance. CFIEC is also involved in global technology standardization and promotion, operates a supercomputing center and other key information infrastructure, carries out third-party testing and certification services.


The China Competence Center serves as an open information exchange station for trusted data space and sovereign data sharing in China. Additionally, it is a vital communication platform for enterprises, academic institutions, and non-profit organizations to discuss data sharing and promote IDSA knowledge and standards. The center plays a pivotal role in building ecosystems for data sharing, organizing events, promoting cooperation between IDSA members, and providing data compliance-related services.

Your contact person:
Liu Shuai (Shine)

IDSA Hub in the Czech Republic facilitated by CVUT

The Czech IDSA Hub is facilitated by the Czech Technical University in Prague (CVUT) and its Institute of Informatics, Cybernetics, and Robotics (CIIRC) and promotes IDS concepts and implementations throughout the country. Data sovereignty, security and trustworthy governance are key elements of Industry 4.0 solutions and are therefore integral to the ‘Digital Czechia’ governmental strategy.


The IDSA brings an international, open approach that sets the standard for industrial and scientific systems, as well as industry-academic cooperation. The Czech hub was launched in June 2019 during the Open House Day of the Testbed for Industry 4.0. Petr Kadera, head of Intelligent Systems for  Industry and Smart Distribution Networks Department at The Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics is the Czech hub’s representative and ambassador at this important gathering.

Your contact person:
Petr Kadera
Researcher at CTU in Prague

IDSA Hub in France facilitated by IMT

Institut Mines-Télécom/Teralab (IMT) supports the French IDSA Hub, fostering the French ecosystem to develop Europe’s standard for secure and sovereign data sharing. The hub is facilitated by TeraLab, an artificial intelligence and big data platform within IMT that provides tools, resources and expertise to the companies, researchers and students partnering in the IDS effort.


Other French members building the IDSA Hub with TeraLab are the French public government-funded research organization CEA, the IT service provider ATOS or ENGIE Lab GRIGEN, ENGIE’s corporate R&D center. The French hub drives interest across France in establishing a successful data economy based on data sovereignty and trustworthy data sharing.

The French hub promotes IDS concepts among public and private organizations in France and highlights useful initiatives that can support the development of IDS at the national level. The aim is to accelerate activity in the area of data sharing by launching new initiatives connecting existing initiatives between European countries through European projects. For example, IMT participates in two major H2020 projects through its TeraLab platform: BOOST 4.0, dedicated to modeling the industry of the future; and AI4EU, which brings together the European AI community.

Your contact person:
Anne-Sophie Taillandier
Data & AI TeraLab Platform Director at IMT

IDSA Hub in Greece facilitated by ITI

The IDSA Hub in Greece is facilitated by the Information Technologies Institute (ITI). The institute is a non-profit organization under the auspices of the General Secretariat of Research and Technology of Greece, with its head office located in Thessaloniki. Since 2000, it is part of the Centre of Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH).


Active members of the association from Greece are the Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation at the University of Patras (LMS), focusing on manufacturing systems and numerous related projects and initiatives at the European level, and Atlantis Engineering SA, focusing on the development of IDS components in data ecosystems.

Your contact person:
Dimitrios Tzovaras
Chairman of the Board of Directors of CERTH

IDSA Hub in Italy facilitated by Cefriel

Cefriel hosts IDSA’s Italian hub, driving Italy’s national conversation around data sovereignty and data exchange with a view towards digital transformation. The Italian hub is working to invite other companies to become partners of the association, expand the network and enhance the initiative’s presence within innovation, education, and research initiatives. 


The hub in Italy is focused on promoting growth and diversity in terms of company sizes, as well as in terms of the sectors involved. Italian partners are supporting this mission. Companies like Engineering, Holonix and the Politecnico di Milano (POLIMI) are IDSA members from Italy engaged in various activities.

Leveling the playing field for small and medium-sized enterprises is a special focus. Alfonso Fuggetta, Cefriel’s CEO and scientific director noted that two factors are shaping IDSA’s priorities: “The first is the expected introduction of the single European digital marketplace,” he said recently. “The second is the European Community’s increased attention to the challenges of SMEs and MEs and their supply chains. Since SMEs and MEs are among the most critical European economic backbones, a Europewide data-centric approach raises the relevance of IDSA.”

Your contact person:
Nadia Scandelli
Head of Smart Industry Solutions Unit at Cefriel

IDSA Hub in Japan facilitated by University of Tokyo (UTokyo) in collaboration with Data Society Alliance (DSA)

The IDSA Japan Hub is facilitated by the University of Tokyo (UTokyo) in close collaboration with DSA (Data Society Alliance). UTokyo, as the oldest and largest national university in Japan, conducts research in a wide range of fields, including computer science, data science, digital infrastructure, economics, law, and other areas of expertise. At UTokyo, the Research Center for Ubiquitous Information Society Infrastructure, Interfaculty Initiatives in Information Study, plays a central role in this facilitation.


The DSA is a general incorporated association, aiming to realize a prosperous society (called a “data society”) through cross-sectoral fair and free data flow and utilization through industry-government-academia collaboration.

In addition to the hub, UTokyo also hosts the IDSA Japan Research Lab. There, we establish the UTokyo International Dataspace Testbed and address technical issues such as interoperability between different data space architectures, in collaboration with international data space communities.

Through these two activities, we aim to promote international data spaces among industry, government, and academia to realize the concept of Data Free Flow with Trust (DFFT). The concept, developed at the G7 Hiroshima Summit in 2023, seeks to encourage the free flow of data while ensuring trust in privacy, security, and intellectual property rights.

Your contact person:
Prof. Noboru Koshizuka
Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies

IDSA Hub in the Netherlands facilitated by TNO

The Netherlands IDSA Hub is facilitated by TNO, an independent research organization with over 3,200 employees worldwide. Under TNO, the Netherlands hub has been applying IDS across ecosystems that include industrial manufacturing, agro/food, energy, and logistics; and driving interest and adoption from key players in the Netherlands, including government ministries.


 TNO connects people and knowledge to support innovation that boosts the competitive strength of the economy and the well-being of society in a sustainable way. TNO has been very active in many different data-sharing initiatives, both on a national and a European level. Henk Jan Vink, managing director for information and communication technology innovations at TNO and member of the executive board of IDSA believes that IDS has the potential to become the best data-sharing initiative globally: “IDSA can be very relevant for society and economy,” he says. “The idea behind IDSA—what we all contribute to and where we profit from the advancement of IDS as a whole—is how we want to innovate. For us, this is a good model to leverage the intelligence of the community, where each member can play its role.”

Your contact person:
Herman Pals
Principal Business Consultant at TNO ICT

IDSA Hub Slovakia facilitated by IIC

The Industry Innovation Cluster (IIC) is a group of highly engaged and proactive corporate companies established and operating in Slovakia.

The IIC aims to bring together companies that are leaders in the Slovak industry and want to propel Slovakia forward in terms of competitiveness, innovation, the digital and green transition, with a strong international rationale. Therefore, the IIC is actively engaging with a wide range of stakeholders, including startups, SMEs, universities, major companies, and entrepreneurs in various innovation projects.


These stakeholders open up the opportunity for the joint development of innovation project activities at the cross-sectoral level. In addition, the IIC is actively present in the international arena and participates in the development of numerous national and international endeavors to make the twin transition easier for companies.

For example, IIC established the Gaia-X Hub Slovakia with the Ministry of Investments, Regional Development, and Informatization of the Slovak Republic (MIRRI) in 2021, which helps promote data spaces across different sectors and projects, focused on the circular economy, decreasing the CO2 footprint, and digital transformation. The IIC was one of the 5 founders of eDIH (European Digital Innovation Hub), which obtained the label “Seal of Excellence,” and its support in the innovation of ecosystems for small and medium companies will be financed by the Recovery Fund.

As IDSA Hub Slovakia, IIC will continue to support the creation of data spaces to foster common European data spaces.

Your contact person:
Martina Maláková
President at Industry Innovation Cluster (IIC)

IDSA Competence Center Spain: Tecnalia

As IDSA Competence Center and Implementation Partner, TECNALIA became the Spanish national benchmark centre to promote IDS, develop new business models based on this technology, and guide companies when integrating their own data control processes. This recognition supports TECNALIA to act as a meeting point between companies that develop IDS technology and those interested in implementing it in their processes.


Therefore, we are working on developing innovative tools to improve data management in data spaces, by providing solutions aimed at different sectors such as industries and energy. These companies handle large amounts of data, so ensuring information security is absolutely essential.

Large European institutions are creating standardised architectures to facilitate the secure exchange of data, with a strong focus on data sovereignty. The institution maintains ownership and control over the data and the data economy; creating safe environments to market. These systems facilitate audits and monitoring of these information transactions and provide a secure space to operate.

Your contact person:
Alberto Berreteaga
IDSA Competence Center Coordinator at Tecnalia

IDSA Hub in Belgium facilitated by Imec

The IDSA Hub in Belgium is facilitated by Interuniversity Microelectronics Centre (Imec). As a research and technology organization active in many local Belgian ecosystems (e.g. health, mobility, logistics, food, energy, cities, water, …), Imec is well-placed to be a neutral actor in the creation and support of data spaces. Imec takes a holistic view on data spaces, looking mainly at the technical aspects, but also considering the business, legal and governance aspects of data space implementation.

Your contact person:
Stefan Lefever
Director at Imec

IDSA Hub in Bulgaria facilitated by GATE

The IDSA Hub in Bulgaria is facilitated by the Big Data for Smart Society Institute (GATE) in Sofia. GATE is the first Centre of Excellence in Bulgaria to work on scientific excellence and innovation in big data and artificial intelligence. It was established in 2019 as an autonomous structure of Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”. The team around Director Prof. Sylvia Ilieva is focusing on knowledge transfer on data sovereignty and IDS components into the Bulgarian industry and research community.


GATE is involved in several important European initiatives and projects on big data and artificial intelligence. The institute established and maintains the GATE platform as a holistic technical data platform, providing full-set components and tools covering the whole big data value chain, including data management, analysis and visualization. It supports the research in GATE strategic application themes: Future Cities, Intelligent Government, Smart Industry and Digital Health.

Your contact person:
Sylvia Ilieva
Director at GATE Institute

IDSA Research Lab China: SJTU

The Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) is a national key university directly under the Ministry of Education and jointly built with the Shanghai Municipality. The research group of Professor Xinguo Ming, School of Mechanical and Power Engineering, SJTU, is mainly engaged in research in the fields of industrial big data (data processing, data sharing, machine learning, etc.), industrial artificial intelligence, industrial Internet, and smart manufacturing systems.


SJTU is a member of the International Data Spaces Association and hosts the IDS Research Lab in Shanghai. This project, driven by the university, aims to bring together Chinese and European industries in research projects. Its overall goal is to pave the way for the development of IDS-based components for secure and trusted data sharing and the construction of data spaces. Chinese and European companies with operations in China are welcome to become a part of this IDS Research Lab.

Your contact person:
Prof. Xinguo Ming
School of Mechanical and Power Engineering

IDSA Hub in Finland facilitated by VTT

VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd is a long-time member of the IDSA and is actively contributing to the IDS​ technologies in different working groups. Since 2018 VTT also facilitates the IDSA Hub in Finland​, building up the IDS community in Finland.


VTT is currently driving two use cases

  1. the IDS enabled data-driven supply network transparency that defines a solution for secure cross-ecosystem data exchange in a trusted business ecosystem, and
  2. a cross-sectoral use case for data exchange between two private cloud environments using IDS and Platform Of Trust (PoT) technologies, with the target to enrich energy / building data analysis & visualizations with transportation data.

Your contact person:
Markus Taumberger
Line Manager at VTT

IDSA Competence Center Germany: Leibniz University of Hannover

Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover (LUH) is the largest university of Germany’s state Lower Saxony. Founded in 1831, LUH is today a study and work place for around 24.000 students, over 1,100 academic employees and more than 300 professors in the natural sciences and engineering, the humanities and social sciences as well in law and economics, with a focus on interdisciplinary teaching, research and cooperation projects. 


The L3S Research Center is a joint research institute of several universities in Lower Saxony, Germany formally associated with Leibniz Universität Hannover (LUH). Work at L3S focuses on innovative and cutting-edge methods and technologies for Web Science. The L3S team builds upon technologies and multidisciplinary approaches from various domains, achieving thus international recognition.

The Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology and University Library (TIB) makes knowledge and information freely available, by sharing it and preserving cultural heritage. As a library, TIB is committed to openness, open access to information, publications and scientific data: it aims to make information and knowledge more easily accessible, more transparent and better reusable. As a research institution, TIB is continuously expanding its role as the German information centre for the digitisation of science and technology. It conducts applied research and development to generate new services and improve existing ones.

The German IDSA Competence Center is established at Leibniz Joint Lab Data Science & Open Knowledge, which is co-founded by TIB, LUH and L3S, serving thus as a nucleus for further initiatives in the field of web science research, innovation and business and participate actively in designing a trustworthy architecture for the data economy, e.g. in the H2020 Trusted Secure Data Sharing Space (TRUSTS), which is coordinated by L3S.

Your contact person:
Alexandra Garatzogianni
Program Coordinator at Leibniz Uni Hannover

IDSA Competence Center Greece: LMS Patras

Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems & Automation (LMS) of the University of Patras is oriented on research and development in cutting edge scientific and technological fields. LMS is involved in a number of research projects funded by the EC and European industrial partners. Particular emphasis is given to the co-operation with the European industry, as well as with a number of “hi-tech” firms.


MS is under the direction and technical coordination of Professor George Chryssolouris. It currently employs approximately 100 researchers organized in three different groups:

  • Manufacturing Processes Modelling and Energy Efficiency,
  • Robots, Automation and Virtual Reality in Manufacturing and
  • Manufacturing Systems

LMS is member of IDSA since 2018 and coordinates the IDSA Competence Center for manufacturing in Greece. LMS has experience in the development of IDS enabled dataspaces (e.g. in the context of Market4.0 H2020 project as well as in EIT-Manufacturing activities). Moreover, LMS is a member of Gaia X AISBL since 2021 and the coordinator of Gaia X Hub Greece, www.gaia-x.gr.

LMS is a founding member of EIT Manufacturing (coordinator of the proposal phase and the first year of operation). Based on its experience in working closely together with manufacturing industry and manufacturing technology providers, LMS has developed the technical background in digital platforms for manufacturing and experience through EU projects (e.g. Market4.0 H2020, Sense&React FP7 and more).

Your contact person:
Alexopoulos Kosmas
research engineer at LMS Patras

IDSA Competence Center Italy: MediTech 4.0

MediTech 4.0 is a competence center designed to facilitate the adoption of Industry 4.0 technologies by SMEs and public administration. As such, it is also dedicated to the activities of IDSA and the introduction and establishment of data spaces. MediTech collaborates with institutes, companies, public administration, cities, and universities in Southern Italy to promote secure access, sovereign sharing and use of data, and create trusted ecosystems based on open and interoperable standards. 


The IDSA Competence Center facilitated by MediTech focuses on a variety of key activities: 

  1. Research and development: MediTech is committed to researching and developing innovative technologies and solutions to enable sovereign data sharing and use. MediTech collaborates with companies, research institutes, and governmental organizations to promote innovation and the adoption of best practices. 
  2. Training and consulting: MediTech offers training and consulting programs to support organizations implement their data spaces. MediTech’s experts provide in-depth knowledge on how to implement a data architecture based on the International Data Spaces standard, ensuring data sovereignty, security, privacy, and regulatory compliance.
  3. Testing, demonstrations and prototypes: MediTech creates demos and prototypes to showcase the benefits and potential of International Data Spaces in real-world use cases. MediTech collaborates with industrial partners to create concrete use cases that demonstrate the effectiveness and benefits of their data spaces in enhancing collaboration and innovation through sovereign data sharing. 
  4. Collaboration and networking: MediTech provides an exetensive computer platform dedicated to IDSA activities for organizations, students, researcher interested in International Data Spaces. In addition, MediTech organizes events, workshops, and conferences to facilitate knowledge exchange, foster partnership collaboration, and promote the adoption of the International Data Spaces standard at the national and international levels. 

Joining the IDSA Competence Center facilitated by MediTech means becoming part of a community of experts, professionals, and innovators working together to shape the future of secure access and sovereign sharing of data. We are committed to supporting organizations harness the full potential of data, drive innovation and achieve economic growth. 

Your contact person:
Angelo Giuliana
General Director of MediTech 4.0

IDSA Hub in Malaysia facilitated by Digital Connect Society (DCS) 

Digital Connect Society (DCS) is a Professional Society registered under the Society Act 1966 of Malaysia. It is established to gather globally connected individuals and entities who are passionate in working together to achieve the common vision of a manageable digitally connected world that is constantly evolving and progressive, by establishing professional and scientific advancement of the education, standard practices, recognition and governance of technology.


The three objectives to be achieved by the Society are (1) advocate the use of standards and best practices for digitally connected society; (2) promote interoperability with the use of common frameworks and classification standards, and (3) to be the Center of Excellence for digital transformation agenda, which DCS aims to promote the standards, practices and works established by the Society in relation to Objectives  1 and 2, into all areas of businesses and relevant parties.

DCS encourages the adoption of best practices and standards for communities to be digitally connected. The effort to achieve the objectives include but not limited to having professional activities directed towards the advancement of the education and practice of digital transformation in the business and industry, as well as the allied branches of educational standards related to consultancy, skills development, business management, human resource management, governance, technology management, and any other relevant areas. DCS also aims to establish the governance of educational standards, such as to formulate, monitor, review and endorse course contents related to digitalization, that accelerate the competencies of skilled workforce, to enable a dynamic and adaptive digitally connected society. Besides, DCS emphasizes on having professional and scientific works, directed towards the advancement, recognition and governance of technology and digital solutions that enables digital transformation in the industry, as well as the allied branches of science and technology application that conform to the national and international standards, guidelines, policies and any other relevant publications and works; Besides, DCS also aims to establish standards, classifications and governance of digital solutions that include software, hardware, cloud services, telecommunication, appliances, equipment, and everything that supports digitalization; and establish centre of excellence, hubs or associated centre of state, national and international bodies that can drive the national digital transformation in the industry.

DCS develops research and development platforms that promote digital innovations and digital culture. Lastly, DCS aims to foster opportunities for professional development in digitalization through activities such as conferences, workshops, publications, electronic media, etc., and set up platforms, such as forums, in digital or physical means, to deliver information and services to the members of the Society.

Your contact person:
Dr. Wah Pheng, Lee
President of DCS

IDSA Hub in Poland facilitated by PSNC

Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center (PSNC) is affiliated to the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences. PSNC is a HPC and Data Center and network operator, leading e-Infrastructure provider in Poland.


The main part of e-infrastructure consists currently of 7.5 PFlops of computing power, 120+ PB storage and data management systems (fast data caches and archivisation). The backbone network in Poland (operated by PSNC) is based on 100 Gbps connections between the major HPC sites, 100 Gbps to bigger academic communities and 400 Gbps between a few academic cities. PSNC plays a role of NREN in Poland and partner of the international consortium GÉANT.

PSNC provides direct support for scientific communities in Poland as well as in Europe. PSNC has built a co-working space and is coordinating living lab communities. Via its co-working space, PSNC supports 15+ user communities, gathered around ICT technologies and application areas.  PSNC’s Poznan Living Lab, as an effective member of ENoLL, runs city challenge workshops, hackathons and design thinking interdisciplinary courses. PSNC coordinates the leading Polish ICT research driven Wielkopolska ICT Cluster with 100+ members.

PSNC coordinates the eDIH – HPC4Poland and eDIH CyberSec. PSNC also co-manage the EOSC DIH that is pan-European DIH, but also is a part of DIH4CPS, EUhubs4Data, and co-creates the first Agriculture DIH in Poland. PSNC is an R&D Center involved so far in over 300 projects, out of which 45 as coordinator in wide range of the technology.

PSNC is a member of BDVA, AIOTI, ENoLL, GAIA-X, EOSC, GÉANT Association, Fiware, ECCP, IDSA.

PSNC being active in the activities related to the Data Spaces become also the member of IDSA and IDSA Hub Facilitator aiming at promotion of the IDSA in Poland and building the community of the companies interested in appliance in different areas such as smart agriculture, smar cities or industry 4.0.

Your contact person:
Marcin Plociennik
Head of the IoT Systems Department at PSNC

IDSA Competence Center Portugal: TICE.PT

TICE.PT is the Portuguese cluster for the Technologies of Information, Communications and Electronics. TICE.PT is building a concertation platform to foster collaboration between companies, associations, academia and government bodies in order to accelerate technological advances, promote digital literacy and transition, and boost economic growth and citizens’ quality of life through innovation in ICT.


As a facilitator of the IDSA Competence Center Portugal, TICE.PT will promote and disseminate IDSA’s objectives and results, and act as a proximity contact point for the Portuguese ecosystem involved in building an architecture for the new data international markets.

Your contact person:
António Pedro Salvado
Project Manager at TICE.PT

IDSA Hub in Spain facilitated by Innovalia

IDSA’s hub in Spain is based in the Basque region and facilitated by Innovalia, a research association founded by the Innovalia Group. The goal of the Spain hub is to provide the national meeting point for fostering the development of Spain’s trustworthy, sovereign data ecosystem and data economy.


The IDSA Hub Spain supports five main types of activities: technology development, business development, ecosystem development, skill development and SME support. Innovalia Group is an accredited member of the Basque Science, Technology and Innovation Network and the national research center network of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.

Other integral parts of the IDSA Hub in Spain are an IDS competence center and testbed at Tecnalia, one of the first Spanish members and leading research and technological development center in Spain, and software testing facilities provided by SQS S.A.

Your contact person:
Jesús Alonso Rodríguez
Innovations Consultant at Innovalia



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