Six new board members enlarge the global impact of IDSA

Six new board members enlarge the global impact of IDSA

The International Data Spaces Association (IDSA) has announced that six outstanding professionals have joined the executive board, bringing with them a wealth of expertise and diverse backgrounds in industries such as automotive, telecommunications, technology, and...
Education data spaces: love lifelong learning

Education data spaces: love lifelong learning

Acquired qualifications are only of high quality for some time before further knowledge and skills need to be added to keep our competence up to date. Lifelong learning is more important today than ever. It is existential. In doing so, we face an ever-changing...
OMEGA-X: An Energy Data Space to boost the European data economy

OMEGA-X: An Energy Data Space to boost the European data economy

Large amounts of valuable data are available in energy systems. However, they are often underused, and their full potential is not being extracted. The smart energy system of the future can be more efficiently operated and designed through a holistic approach that...