Integration Test Camp for IDS Components – Step by Step to a Trusted Infrastructure

International Data Spaces are complex. Many components, such as connectors, DAPS or apps must work together correctly. To verify these interactions, developers need a test environment: A production-like test scenario that gives companies the opportunity to test the interoperability of the pre-commercial IDSA components they have created in a production-like scenario.
The Integration Test Camp is a remotely accessible test infrastructure developed by IDSA member SQS. It offers companies the opportunity to verify the functionality and interoperability of their IDSA components.
The Integration Test Camp is open for everyone as part of a monthly event. ParticipantSpeed up the commercialization of IDSA components and servicess are given a two-hour time slot during which the entire infrastructure is available and reserved for them. During this time, the participants are in constant communication with the SQS team. Video calls allow both parties to see and share what is happening. Guidelines for the sessions specify each individual test step.
The Integration Test Camp for IDS Components
By Olatz Mediavilla
- Speed up the commercialization of IDS components and services
- Guaranteed cost reduction and IDS compliance in the development and provision of data sharing services
- Reduced risk in delivering data-driven services and increased return on investment
- Software Quality Systems (SQS)
- Innovalia
- nicos
- Orbiter
Main Technology/IDS Components
- IDS Connector
- Data Broker and Data Consumer