aiXia" which will be led by LANTEK (digital services) together with the companies LIS SOLUTIONS | S.L. (data analytics and ai services) | INGETEAM, S.A.(energy) | GOIZPER S.COOP. (machine-tool industry) | MONDRAGON ASSEMBLY S.COOP. (manufacturing) | UBIKARE ZAINKETAK, S.L. (healthcare) | EROSKI S.COOP (retail) | The technology coordinator is IKERLAN (a leading knowledge transfer center providing competitive value to companies)
Seeks to promote and research the necessary technologies for the definition of a reference architecture, operational models, adoption of standards and developments for a data space based on the common technical framework proposed by DSBA members, extending its main services to favor the development of artificial intelligence with guarantees of traceability, security, and governance of the data and services.
- Aims to provide the country with a reliable data space that enables companies to offer new concepts of high-added value services based on data sharing, through the servitization of collaborative artificial intelligence for the productization and monetization of their data and industry knowledge in new business models.
- Will develop new services in the field of artificial intelligence and will explore current IDS components implementations (focusing on Connectors, Metadatabroker, and IdentityProviders) in order to select one of them to rely on.