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January 11, 2024

Unveiling the new Data Spaces Radar

More than two years ago, the International Data Spaces Association (IDSA) introduced the Data Spaces Radar, a pioneering tool that quickly garnered attention and adoption in the data space landscape. Now, we proudly present the evolution of this groundbreaking initiative – the new Data Spaces Radar.
Carlos Gonzalez

Since its inception, IDSA’s radar has been instrumental in collecting and cataloging diverse data spaces – with over 100 entries recorded. Now, after two years of refinement and innovation, the original radar has transformed into the new Data Spaces Radar, setting a new standard for comprehensive data space assessment.

The Data Spaces Radar is a publicly accessible tool designed to offer a panoramic view of various data spaces initiatives worldwide. It provides insights into sectors, locations, and the development stages of these initiatives, ranging from initial use cases to fully operational data spaces in production.

Inspiring success stories

At its core, the Data Spaces Radar aims to inspire by showcasing real-life success stories collected through a user-friendly online form. This tool is more than just a radar; it serves as a guide for project teams, aiding them in selecting the most suitable technologies for their data space endeavors. It fosters a collaborative platform for sharing knowledge and experiences, encouraging thoughtful reflection on technology decisions, and actively contributing to the continuous evolution of the data space landscape.

Building upon the pioneering work of IDSA, the Data Spaces Radar identifies particularly relevant data space endeavors. The fundamental idea is to foster the development of data spaces and accelerate data sharing not only in Europe but on a global scale.

Maturity assessment with building blocks

Given the relative novelty and diverse evolutionary stages of data spaces, the Data Spaces Radar assesses the development stage of each initiative, categorizing into business and organizational as well as technical aspects, form the foundation for a comprehensive evaluation.

The business and organizational categories encompass business models, governance, and legal frameworks. The technical categories cover aspects like access control, trust, identity management, and data interoperability.

A structured approach with five rings

The Data Spaces Radar employs a structured approach, utilizing five rings to signify distinct development stages:

  • Exploratory Stage: Initiative begins with a group exploring interest, potential, and viability of a data space. Activities include identifying stakeholders, collecting requirements, discussing use cases, and reviewing conventions or standards.
  • Preparatory Stage: Begins when the initiative has critical mass of committed partners and an agreement to move forward. Partners jointly develop use cases and prepare for the implementation of the data space.
  • Implementation Stage: Starts with a detailed project plan, milestones, and resources for governance framework and infrastructure development. Parties involved in the pilot and their value propositions are clearly identified.
  • Operational Stage: Begins with a tested implementation of infrastructure and governance framework. The first use case becomes operational, with data flowing between providers and recipients, providing intended value.
  • Scaling Stage: Starts when the initiative consistently gains new participants and embraces new use cases. The data space becomes financially and operationally sustainable, responding to market changes and growing over time.

Join the radar – showcase your data space

For those eager to feature their own use cases and data spaces on the radar, an online form is available for submission. Be part of the transformative journey and let your data space inspire others.

The Digital Europe Program and the DSSC

At the core of the Digital Europe Program (DEP) lies the Data Space Support Centre (DSSC), a central initiative aimed at coordinating diverse data space initiatives. It provides technological support, establishes processes, standards, and tools for the development of data spaces. Emphasizing the importance of interoperability among data spaces, the DEP strives to create a unified European Data Space, fostering data reuse in both public and private sectors.

The Data Spaces Radar is a testament to the ongoing commitment to innovation and collaboration within the realm of data spaces. Explore the future with us as we navigate the dynamic landscape of data sharing, one success story at a time.

The Data Spaces Support Centre receives funding from the European Union Digital Europe Programme under grant agreement n° 101083412. 

Author: Carlos Gonzalez
Carlos Gonzalez is Ecosystem Operations Manager at IDSA

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