Just eleven month after the foundation of the Industrial Data Space Association the result is positive: Growing membership figures and the development towards an international initiative are important results of the association’s work. „The goals we set for the first year were achieved. Now it is about taking advantage of the momentum and pushing forward the standard even more strongly at international level!“, Dr. Reinhold Achatz, Chairman of the Board of the Industrial Data Space Association and CTO at thyssenkrupp AG, is satisfied.When the Industrial Data Space Association was founded on 26 January 2016 there were 18 members. Today, 50 companies and organisations are part of the user association and pursue a common goal: Pushing forward the basic conditions for a digital networked economy – from industry via services up to trade – and establishing a sovereign data exchange in Industrial Data Space. „Companies have to be in a position to decide under which terms they will provide their partners with data“, underlines Lars Nagel, Managing Director of Industrial Data Space Association Head Office. International Significance Also in Europe, clear data governance regulations for the secure and sovereign use of data and the respective technical implementation play a bigger and bigger role. „Industrial Data Space is gaining in significance also in other countries“, emphasises Thorsten Hülsmann, Managing Director of Industrial Data Space Association Head Office. International research institutions and companies participate in the working groups and implementation of use cases. „Data exchange does not stop at national borders. Therefore, the internationalisation of Industrial Data Space is only consequent and an important part of our strategy“, Reinhold Achatz explains which direction the research project will be taking next year. Another major step in that direction was already made: Huawei, a leading global information and communications technology (ICT) solutions provider, became member of the Industrial Data Space Association in November. Successful Cooperation within the Initiative There are already five working groups to the subjects „Use Cases & Requirements“, „Certification“ or „Architecture“ in which the member companies accompany and design the development process in the associated research project with twelve participating Fraunhofer-Institutes. The member companies determine their requirements on sovereign data exchange in the Industrial Data Space and contribute their experience.