IDSA and VTT showcase agricultural data space at IoTSWC 2024

May 24, 2024 | News

At the IoT Solutions World Congress (IoTSWC) in Barcelona, the International Data Spaces Association (IDSA) and VTT demonstrated how data spaces can revolutionize agriculture.

One of the demonstrations featured an integrated system utilizing IoT sensors, drones, and robots to create a seamless data flow across the entire agricultural process – from sowing and growth monitoring to harvesting. This pioneering solution, powered by FlexiGroBots, promises to revolutionize field management and unlock significant economic potential in the agricultural sector.

A key highlight was the AgriDataValue demonstrator. Equipped with advanced sensors, this system continuously monitors the humidity and quality of the soil in a vineyard. The data collected allows winegrowers to automate and optimize the supply of water, pesticides, and nutrients via a user-friendly dashboard. This technology not only enhances crop management but also offers a glimpse into the future of precision agriculture.

In addition to the cutting-edge demonstrations, Sonia Jimenez delivered a keynote address that resonated with the audience. Her presentation emphasized the critical role of data spaces in cybersecurity, explaining how these spaces enable secure data sharing, enforce usage control, and establish trust among participants – ultimately driving business value.

The event also featured a notable side event, “ABINC Brazil 2024,” where Silvia Castellvi delved into the importance of standardization and interoperability for advancing data-driven practices in Industry 4.0. Her insights underscored the need for consistent frameworks to fully realize the potential of emerging technologies.

Barcelona proved to be a vibrant hub of innovation during IoTSWC, offering invaluable insights into the future of data spaces. IDSA is already looking ahead to the next opportunity to showcase the transformative power of these technologies.

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