IDSA and iSHARE join forces to achieve data sovereignty

Dec 4, 2019 | News

Organisations can now go live with IDS through iSHARE

Paris, December 4th, 2019 The iSHARE data-sharing scheme and the IDS Reference Architecture will be aligned with respect to identification, authentication and authorization. As of today, organisations that want to obtain control over data can go live with IDS through iSHARE – a scheme that facilitates the secure and simple exchange of data in business ecosystems on the basis of uniform standards. The announcement was made at the IDSA Winterdays in Paris.

Data sovereignty: uniform, simple and controlled data sharing

iSHARE is a set of agreements that enables organisations to give each other access to their data. Since they all work with the same identification, authentication and authorisation methods, they do not need to keep making new agreements every time they want to share data. Thanks to the incorporation of the iSHARE data-sharing agreements into the IDS architecture, IDSA will be able to accelerate the deployment of a secure infrastructure that protects data sovereignty and trust.

“Over recent months, we have worked on aligning the fundamentals of the iSHARE scheme with the IDS architecture. The IDS architecture supports different identity management mechanisms and is technology agnostic. The integration of iSHARE enables participants to quickly set to work with their use cases while relying on a proven and readily available identity solution. In other words: by including iSHARE, we can offer faster deployment,” says Lars Nagel, CEO of IDSA.

“In the Netherlands we already have several examples of real-life iSHARE implementations that can be a source of inspiration for the IDS community. Above all, both we and IDSA recognise the urgent need to accelerate the efforts to achieve data sovereignty in Europe. That’s why we are also seizing this opportunity to encourage public-sector and private-sector organisations throughout Europe to sign our petition. Additionally, we are calling on them to proactively contribute to giving businesses and consumers control over their own data – and iSHARE now makes that possible,” states Gerard van der Hoeven, chair of the iSHARE Foundation.

For the iSHARE website:

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