October 2, 2024 – October 4, 2024

European Big Data Value Forum | Europe for Global Leadership in AI & data

The EBDVF brings together the data-driven AI research and innovation community – industry professionals, business developers, researchers and policy-makers – from all over Europe and the world. Their objective is to advance policy actions as well as industrial and research activities in the areas of data and AI. This year, the EBDVF will take place in Budapest, Hungary from October 2 to 4, 2024.

For sure, IDSA will play a significant role in actively contributing to the EBDVF’s proceedings. Our indispensable highlight is a pre-event organized together with BDVA as well as with the European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics and the Semantic Web Company: the Workshop on Semantic Interoperability in Data Spaces on October 1, 2024.

Find out all about the workshop, view the program and register here: semantic.internationaldataspaces.org/workshop-2024

For the EBDVF, the tracks and topics, the agenda and application: european-big-data-value-forum.eu


Date(s): October 2, 2024 – October 4, 2024
All Day Europe/Budapest

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