November 9, 2022
Data Spaces Discovery Day | Sofia
Business value of sovereign data sharing
A great event ahead this autumn in Sofia: We would like to invite you on November 9 to be part in the Data Spaces Discovery Day in Sofia. The event, hosted by GATE and IDSA together with partnering organizations and companies from the Bulgarian and European data sharing ecosystem will bring together enthusiasts from Europe into an interactive discussion on the building blocks and enablers and demonstrating the business value of sovereign data sharing.
All of these with a particular focus on data spaces for urban environments and their specific challenges, the complex data ecosystem and economy for smart urban mobility, energy use, and utility management.
You can expect a jam-packed agenda with inspiring keynotes, insightful discussions and panels, exciting data space demonstrations and the opportunity to network with like-minded people ready to drive the data economy and data spaces forward.
Highlight: A unique data space initiative will be launched during the event.
The seats are limited. Don’t hesitate and register now for the event on November 9 in Sofia!
See the first draft of the agenda – a more detailed version will be published very soon:
- 09:30 Welcome address
- 09:30 Welcome address and opening
- 09.50 Data spaces from a strategic perspective
- 10:05 Introduction to data spaces
- 10:15 Keynote: challenges of urban data handling
- 10:45 Launch event: GATE urban data space with key statements from partners
- 11:45 Discussion: Social and business benefits of the Urban Data Space
- 12:15 Data spaces and show cases
- Urban energy data space
- Smart City
- City lighting Barcelona
Lunch & networking
- 14:00 Data spaces and show cases
- Mobility Data Space
- Urban hospitals demo
- 14:20 Panel discussion: The business value of data spaces
- 15:50 Keynote: Sovereign data sharing – the way forward in Europe
- 16:15 Next steps, events, skills development, projects, especially DSSC
- 16:30 Farewell coffee & networking
Date(s): November 9, 2022
9:30 am - 3:30 pm Europe/Sofia