March 6, 2024
Manufacturing-X Software- und Digitalisierungsdialog | Tools für die Datenökonomie
The EU is driving the data economy through data spaces, facilitating the trade of data as economic goods. Projects like GAIA-X are establishing and operating data rooms, with nine different data spaces identified across Europe. Examples include Catena-X and Manufacturing-X, with projects in agriculture, healthcare, and mobility also underway. Data spaces will be crucial in future IT landscapes, integrating IT processes and potentially operating peer-to-peer. This shift poses technical challenges, particularly in data access, different from traditional databases. As conventional applications interact more with data spaces, integration solutions will become increasingly important.
Date(s): March 6, 2024
10:00 am - 4:30 pm Europe/Berlin
VDMA Frankfurt
Lyoner Str. 18
Frankfurt , 60528