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Digital Summit in Dortmund

Oct 29, 2019 | News

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Michael ten Hompel explaining “Open and Federal Platforms in Logistics” to German chancellor, Dr. Angela Merkel.
Picture Credits: Lutz Kampert

Two prominent exhibits are based on the IDS standard as a key element to ensure data sovereignty

Digitization is advancing – it complements products and processes with digital solutions, revolutionizes business models and changes structures. The digitization process is inconceivable without the International Data Spaces (IDS) standard. Digitization requires data and data exchange. The IDS standard guarantees sovereignty over data and guarantees data exchange according to binding rules.

At the Digital Summit in Dortmund, hosted by the German Federal Ministry for Economics and Energy, two demostrators based on the IDS standard for secure and sovereign data transfer are shown. Both are prominently presented to German Chancellor Angela Merkel. 

The demonstrator “Digital Life Journey” makes data sovereignty a tangible experience for every citizen. An app gives users back control over their own data: They decide for themselves which personal data they want to pass on to which company and how they want to participate in business models based on their data. “Digital Life Journey” is based specifically on the IDS standard for data sovereignty. It brings the idea of data sovereignty into the personal sphere of an individual who, in his various roles (e.g. as citizen, employee or traffic participant), moves in various data spaces and has a high interest in managing his data conficently and sovereignly.

The exhibit “Open and Federal Platforms in Logistics” demonstrates how AI-based technology is shaping future value chains: intelligent containers and pallets which exchange data via secure platforms and autonomously navigate to the recipient; swarms of autonomous vehicles which independently move through factories. The exhibit thus demonstrates how a logistics platform economy can be established in Germany and how its position as the world’s logistics market leader can be defended and expanded. The basis for this challenge are open and strong consortia from industry and science, sustainable technologies and business models – and an established standard for data security and data sovereignty, the IDS standard

IDSA members involved in the demonstrators

“Digital Life Journey” is realized by the IDSA member institutions Fraunhofer ISST, Deutsche Telekom and Orbiter, the IDSA partner organization Institute for Digital Transformation in Healthcare and also by Verimi.

“Open and Federal Platforms in Logistics” is presented by the IDSA member Fraunhofer IML, the Plattform Industrie 4.0 and the state North Rhine-Westphalia in co-operation with Commerzbank, Epal, Rhenus and the IDSA member company Deutsche Telekom.

IDS initiative aims at data sovereignty for companies and citizens

The IDS Association is supported by more than 100 member institutions from science and economy, from 20 countries all over the world.

It provides a reference architecture for data sovereignty and software components as an implementation proposal.
An important software component is the IDS Connector, which acts both as a gateway for data exchange and as a secure execution environment for data analysis.

The IDS Association is open and non-profit. It sets standards for the secure and trustworthy use of data in the platform economy.

Market participants – software companies, technology providers, etc. – take up the standards and develop innovative business models based on them.

We have published two additional documents on the occasion of the Digital Summit. For the documents: Click here

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