With Haier COSMO IoT Ecosystem Technology Co, Ltd joining the IDSA, “COSMOPlat” is among the first industrial Internet platforms outside the European Union to adopt the European values of data and cloud sovereignty and to implement them in their architecture.
“COSMOPlat Mass Customized Model to GAIA-X Architecture” is a joined project of Haier and the Fraunhofer Institute for Software and Systems Engineering (ISST). The project aims at a feasibility and potential study for the implementation of GAIA-X principles and International Data Spaces standards on the COSMOPlat platform.
“It is very much welcome that global companies with production sites and supplier networks in Europe like Haier do not only support the development of open standards for data sovereignty, but also actively contribute to it”
Prof. Boris Otto, executive director at Fraunhofer ISST
The International Data Spaces initiative plays a key role in the secure and open GAIA-X data ecosystem in Europe: The International Data Spaces reference architecture for maintaining data sovereignty when sharing data directly contributes to GAIA-X’s goal of creating an architecture of standards.