So, what can IDSA do for you?
What we do
Hier könnte stehen, was die IDSA leistet – bezogen auf die jeweilige Zielgruppe, die auf dieser Seite angesprochen wird. Im Fall eines “Digital Business Experts” etwa, wie die IDSA dazu beiträgt, digitale Ökosysteme zu etablieren und Wertschöpfungsketten zu erweitertern. Bei einem “Digital Networker” könnte hier der Schwerpunkt auf das Thema internationaler Austausch und Vernetzung gelegt werden, bei einem “Digital enthusiast” eher auf die technischen Aspekte und die Standardisierung.
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How we work
The IDS initiative was brought to life by business, politics, and research in a joint effort. The goal of this initiative was to design, develop, test and establish a reference architecture for creating a secure data space and facilitating secure and trustworthy data exchange. This goal has been accomplished. Over fifty use cases have been implemented by companies from different industries, from which a few products have resulted already.
Selected Use Cases
Broker for a secure data exchange on a virtual data market place
Collaborative Supply Chain Risk Management
Predictive Maintenance and process-accompanying quality assurance
Reasons to get involved
IDSA collects and bundles the interests and requirements of its member organizations from business and research.
IDSA reaches out globally. Member organizations come from twenty countries from all across the EU and the world.
IDSA collaborates closely with cognate initiatives and associations.
Relevant ressources
Context of the IDS – Lars Nagel, Managing Director IDSA
IDSA community
Learn more how to participate in working groups, hubs, liasons and more
How to become a member
Get involved in designing the International Data Spaces
Image Brochure
IDS: A standard for Data Sovereignty and an Indespensable element of Data Ecosystems
White Paper
The role of IDS for the european data economy
The International Data Spaces Association Magazine #5
Ready to get started?
Let’s talk about what we can do for you.