June 16, 2021
Atos & Google Cloud | E&U Virtual Summit: Cloud as Accelerator of the Energy Transition
The energy industry is undergoing unprecedented change. To meet regulatory energy targets, it needs sustainable and secure cloud technologies. What this means for energy generatrion, transmission and distribution is demonstrated by IDSA member companies Atos and Google Cloud at their E&U Virtual Summit.
For clouds to act as accelerators of the energy transition, they must be based on a standardized and sovereign architecture.Therefore, Christoph Mertens, Head of Adoption at IDSA, will present the reference architecture of the International Data Spaces and show how secure and sovereign data sharing works. Volker Berkhout from Fraunhofer IEE will showcase the remarkable “EnDaSpace” – an energy data space that brings together energy producers and utilities. In addition, Christoph and Volker will put IDS-based data sharing and the EnDaSpace in the context of GAIA-X
The event will be held in German.
Details and registration: digitalevents.atos.net/GoogleEandUvirtualSummit/home
Date(s): June 16, 2021
1:00 pm - 5:30 pm UTC+2