Fraunhofer ISST

Dataspace Connector


Sovereign data exchange requires above all a trustworthy component, which has the task of understanding, processing and ensuring agreed conditions for the exchange of data. To implement this task within a data room, interoperability must be ensured in addition to trust. For this purpose, the participants must be able to network with each other and provide a door for data exchange in their own infrastructure, whose identity is ensured, which can exchange agreed types of messages and ensures compliance with the terms of use.  


The Dataspace Connector (DSC) is an open-source system for sovereign data exchange, which helps you overcome concerns about trust and fear of sharing your data with your partners to create the ecosystems that are essential to future business models. Even after your data has been shared, you remain in control of what happens to it.  Based on the foundation of the International Data Space reference architecture, the DSC enables extending data with policies and conditions, that can be created, processed, controlled and enforced, the DSC is a core component for building data spaces according to the DIN SPEC 27070 standard. Dataspace Connector is licensed under Apache 2.0. and free for personal or commercial use absolutely. We welcome contributors! 

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  • International Data Spaces at your fingertips
  • Open Source Software, free for personal and commercial use
  • Interoperable with the latest IDS version
  • Successfully tested in various projects


  • Fraunhofer ISST

Main Technology/IDS Component

  • IDS Connector